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Population projections. 2022-2072

Spain would gain more than four million inhabitants in the next 15 years and more than five million by 2072 if current demographic trends were maintained. The population aged 65 and over would account for 26.0% of the total in 2037.

Population and demographic phenomena projected
Indicator Note Year 2022 Year 2036/2037 Year 2071/2072
Population resident at 1 January 1 47,432,805 51,669,140 52,886,370
Natural increase 2 -121,317 -91,813 -256,277
Migratory balance 2 484,137 220,000 299,000
  • 1 The projected data are referred to 2037 and 2072
  • 2 The projected data are referred to 2036 and 2071
Latest data
2022-2072 Published: 13/10/2022
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Did you know...?

The Population projections provide a simulation of the population that would reside in Spain in the next years, broken down according to basic demographic characteristics, on the basis of the population estimate at 1 January of the current year. They meet the need for a current outlook of the possible future demographic reality which is updated to the most recent demographic evolution. In particular, the object is to simulate the effects of the demographic structure and the current demographic tendencies on the future population.

This information is provided every 2 years with a 50-year projected horizon for the national total and 15 years for Autonomous Communities and provinces, following basic demographic characteristics.

As from 2018, a collection of projected basic demographic indicators (birth, fertility, mortality, migration and growth indicators and structure of the resident population in the country) is incorporated, summarising the future evolution of demographic phenomena in Spain in the event that current demographic trends are maintained.