Main variables Total 1.1% of companies that have computers, 69.70 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 25.00 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 14.10 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 64.10 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 70.70 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 17.90 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 60.80 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 59.80 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 54.50 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 12.70 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 51.40 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 14.70 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 40.80 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 37.00 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 9.30 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 3.50 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 14.60 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 5.10 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 4.30 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 6.80 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 11.90 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 96.80 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 96.00 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 94.90 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 7.70 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 29.90 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 19.50 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 21.20 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 13.70 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 3.20 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 73.10 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 19.30 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 2.80 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 1.70 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 94.60 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 72.10 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 34.20 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 35.70 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 33.80 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 81.00 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 62.50 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 47.70 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 47.70 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 40.30 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 26.60 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 8.30 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 0.80 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.20 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 25.90 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 40.00 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 25.70 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 27.20 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 47.10 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 92.60 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 92.10 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 7.70 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 25.90 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 84.10 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 39.00 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 46.70 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 7.70 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 14.60 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 7.40 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 5.90 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 5.50 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 9.30 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 30.90 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 28.20 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 90.90 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 14.70 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 65.50 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 59.50 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 39.70 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 45.40 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 19.20 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 7.50 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 97.10 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 7.50 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 3.70 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 5.20 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 3.80 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 3.20 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 4.50 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 5.80 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 0.80 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 43.70 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 77.80 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 27.80 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 47.10 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 82.50 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 85.40 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 32.10 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 9.40 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 12.00 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 3.50 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 62.80