Statistics on Acquisition of Spanish Citizenship of Residents National results Acquisitions of nationality by gender and age Units: Persons ,2022,2021,2020,2019, Total, Total,"",91,592,85,303,60,864, Illiterates,"",74,74,72, Incomplete primary education,"",2,917,2,581,2,336, Primary education ,"",12,113,12,559,10,043, First stage of secondary education and the like,"",21,446,19,615,14,945, Second stage of secondary education, with general guidance,"",17,293,16,603,11,979, Segunda etapa de educación secundaria con orientación profesional,"",6,004,5,110,3,693, Non-tertiary post-secondary education,"",254,83,67, Vocational training, plastic arts and design and sports of high degree and equivalent; own university degrees requiring the Baccalaureate certificate, duration equal to or longer than two years.,"",5,162,4,417,2,783, University grades of 240 ECTS credits, university diploma, own university qualifications as expert or specialist, and the like.,"",10,231,9,529,6,021, University degree of more than 240 ECTS credits, graduates and equivalent,"",6,751,6,553,3,519, Masters, specialities in Health Sciences by the residence system and similar,"",3,199,3,629,2,284, University doctorate,"",1,465,1,622,749, No consta,"",4,683,2,928,2,373, Males, Total,"",41,898,37,913,26,922, Illiterates,"",29,29,27, Incomplete primary education,"",1,464,1,230,1,078, Primary education ,"",4,911,4,940,3,717, First stage of secondary education and the like,"",11,822,10,714,8,071, Second stage of secondary education, with general guidance,"",7,663,7,018,4,957, Segunda etapa de educación secundaria con orientación profesional,"",2,613,2,107,1,504, Non-tertiary post-secondary education,"",103,40,24, Vocational training, plastic arts and design and sports of high degree and equivalent; own university degrees requiring the Baccalaureate certificate, duration equal to or longer than two years.,"",2,217,1,859,1,204, University grades of 240 ECTS credits, university diploma, own university qualifications as expert or specialist, and the like.,"",3,919,3,641,2,301, University degree of more than 240 ECTS credits, graduates and equivalent,"",2,960,2,677,1,502, Masters, specialities in Health Sciences by the residence system and similar,"",1,241,1,455,1,006, University doctorate,"",650,704,349, No consta,"",2,306,1,499,1,182, Females, Total,"",49,694,47,390,33,942, Illiterates,"",45,45,45, Incomplete primary education,"",1,453,1,351,1,258, Primary education ,"",7,202,7,619,6,326, First stage of secondary education and the like,"",9,624,8,901,6,874, Second stage of secondary education, with general guidance,"",9,630,9,585,7,022, Segunda etapa de educación secundaria con orientación profesional,"",3,391,3,003,2,189, Non-tertiary post-secondary education,"",151,43,43, Vocational training, plastic arts and design and sports of high degree and equivalent; own university degrees requiring the Baccalaureate certificate, duration equal to or longer than two years.,"",2,945,2,558,1,579, University grades of 240 ECTS credits, university diploma, own university qualifications as expert or specialist, and the like.,"",6,312,5,888,3,720, University degree of more than 240 ECTS credits, graduates and equivalent,"",3,791,3,876,2,017, Masters, specialities in Health Sciences by the residence system and similar,"",1,958,2,174,1,278, University doctorate,"",815,918,400, No consta,"",2,377,1,429,1,191, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute