Description: Description: Description: C:\_mcebrian\project\INE\Censo_agrario\03.DES\traduccion\images\inebase.jpg


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Query Possibilities


Once the query has been constructed and the results have been viewed, it is possible to proceed with the following.


1.1      Detailed information

In order to carry out this action characteristic of online analysis (OLAP), please click on the contextual  menu item for each value in the row or column header.

In following example, “Detailed information” regarding National …

… will show Autonomous Communities, replacing National:


1.2      Top

In order to carry out this action characteristic of online analysis (OLAP), please click on the contextual  menu item for each value in the row or column header.

In following example, at the “Top” regarding Murcia …

… National will appear, replacing Autonomous Communities:


1.3      Expand

The carrying out this action characteristic of online analysis (OLAP), has two possible scopes: if you click on the contextual  menu item of the data row or column header, the result is displayed on the screen of expanding that particular member.

or by clicking  on the header containing the name of the row and column header variables. The result in this case would be to expand each of the values presents In rows and columns.

In following example, “Expand” on National …

… the Autonomous Communities that were being displayed along with National will appear:


In the following example, when “Expanding” on the Autonomous Community column …

… the Autonomous Communities that were being displayed along with their provinces …


1.4      Contract

The carrying out this action characteristic of online analysis (OLAP), has two possible scopes: if you click on the contextual  menu item of the data row or column header, the result is displayed on the screen of contracting that particular member.

or by clicking  on the header containing the name of the row and column header variables. The result in this case would be to contract each of the values presents In rows and columns.

In following example, when “Contracting” on Murcia …

… the contracted Autonomous Community without the provinces will be displayed:

In the following example, when “Contracting” on the National column …

… National will appear without the Autonomous Communities:

1.5      Detailed information by

In order to carry out this action characteristic of online analysis (OLAP), please click on the contextual   menu item for each value in the row or column header.

In following example, when choosing “Detailed information” on National …

… you browse through the variable tree …

… until selecting the desired variable, for example UAA Bracket  …

… so that National data by UAA Bracket will appear :

1.6      Rotate

In order to execute this typical of online analysis (OLAP), you need only click on the link  on the toolbar located above the table of query data. The result will be chaning the position of rows and columns.

In following example, “Rotate” …


… the variable UAA Bracket goes from rows to columns, and the Type of Livestock from columns to rows:

1.7      Sort and Sort by

Executing this action has two possible scopes: if you click on the contextual  menu item of the data row or column header, the result is displayed on the screen of sorting by criteria selected of that particular member.

or by clicking the link  on the toolbar located above the table of query data.

Whereas using the first scope the order is established depending on the values of that row or column, in the second scope the order is established depending on the subtotals of the variable.

EIn the following example, when “Sorting” by Cattle under one year of age …

… descending …

… the result given is a UAA Bracket exchange:


In the following example, when “Sorting” by Exports with UAA …

… descending …

… the result given is Type of Livestock in descending order: Level 2 depending on its value within Type of Livestock: Level 1,……

Finally, in following example …

… when “Sorting by” Operations with land from Operations with UAA…

… Descending …

… gives the following result …

… whereas if “Sort by” is used, on the toolbar located above the table of query data, and “Type of Livestock Level 2" is selected "… Descending …” …

… sorting is by total column with the following result:





