Products & Services / Publications / Publications Catalog / General publications and statistical synthesis /
INEbase monthly

Monthly INEbase contains the complete electronic publications for statistical operations incorporated into this web site in the reference month. Furthermore the edition includes the latest published Monthly Statistical Bulletin.
The collection is available on CD-Rom for the period January 2004 - December 2012. As of the January 2013 issue, the electronic publication is only available for download via the web site.
When querying by month, for those subsequent to January 2013, an icon will appear in each published operation for downloading a zip file containing all the material for operation: tables, methodologies, questionnaires, etc
When the query is by operation, for a specific operation the available medium available in each period will appear: CD-Rom or download icon.
The download consists of a zip file contains all material for the operation. Since the tables are provided in Pc-Axis format, it is necessary to have installed the Pc-Axis program in order to work with them.
How to obtain issues available between January 2004 and December 2012? Price: 16.61 €. IVA included