INEbase / Historia

Ayuda al buscador

Simple search

This search engine allows users to locate documents in the INEBaseHistoria documentary collection using a series of key words that define the document. The key words indicated compose the title of the document and other relevant key words that can identify the document.

To perform a search, enter the word/s and click on "Search" (or press "Enter"). It will take a few seconds for a list of documents containing the word or some of the words entered as key words to appear.

The search engine is not case selective, therefore users can enter terms in upper or lower case and with or without accents, since the hits will be the same.

Advanced search

It differs from the simple search in that users can employ the * wild card character. Using this character allows users to enter incomplete keywords, having the system complete them with key words that follow the pattern.


  • Prolo*: Will search all documents with key words starting with Prolo.
  • *logo: Will search all documents with key words ending in logo.
  • pro*go: Will search all documents with key words starting with pro and ending in go.
  • *lo*: Will search all documents with key words containing lo.