Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies and Electronic Commerce in Companies Results by Autonomous Community ICT use variables (as of January 2011) by Autonomous Community, main variables and group of activity. Units: percentages Total companies Industry Construction Services National total 1.1% of companies that have computers, 98.60 98.70 98.20 98.70 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 86.40 86.00 81.60 88.40 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 45.30 43.20 41.70 47.80 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 97.40 97.00 96.00 98.10 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 93.60 92.70 94.60 93.60 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 31.00 21.80 21.90 39.00 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 96.80 96.60 95.10 97.50 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 53.50 47.70 37.60 59.10 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 43.80 37.40 34.80 48.40 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 12.00 10.40 11.90 12.60 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 74.90 73.50 72.30 76.60 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 26.40 24.70 19.90 29.70 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 63.40 62.40 60.30 65.10 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 53.40 51.90 51.30 55.00 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 20.60 18.70 14.30 23.90 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 15.50 14.40 8.40 18.80 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 26.90 23.80 23.50 29.80 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 13.70 11.40 13.90 14.90 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 21.60 17.00 18.00 25.30 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 30.20 27.20 24.80 33.70 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 8.40 7.40 11.30 7.90 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.40 99.30 99.20 99.60 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.30 99.10 99.00 99.50 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.40 97.30 97.10 97.60 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 13.30 12.30 11.10 14.60 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 50.40 47.00 49.50 52.50 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 38.20 35.90 35.50 40.20 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 40.70 36.00 40.00 43.30 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 24.20 22.50 23.50 25.20 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.40 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 67.80 72.50 69.50 64.90 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 22.20 18.90 21.50 24.20 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 5.30 4.50 5.30 5.80 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 4.00 3.30 2.90 4.80 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 96.80 97.40 97.70 96.20 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 91.00 90.80 91.90 90.80 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 42.90 40.40 38.50 45.80 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 46.90 45.60 41.80 49.40 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 46.80 43.20 43.30 49.80 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 90.20 89.70 89.60 90.70 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 84.00 81.20 88.10 83.90 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 71.50 68.90 73.70 72.00 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 72.60 69.20 79.90 71.70 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 68.10 67.10 65.20 69.70 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 52.60 52.90 46.50 54.70 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 22.80 15.80 36.50 21.30 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 4.20 2.70 7.00 4.00 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.70 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 17.90 15.40 20.80 18.10 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 30.10 27.50 36.80 28.60 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 24.00 21.60 27.80 23.70 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 19.70 20.10 22.80 18.20 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 67.60 66.40 65.40 68.90 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 96.40 95.90 96.50 96.60 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 94.50 95.30 95.60 93.70 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 23.80 37.50 7.90 22.60 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 67.00 72.90 53.30 69.20 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 90.70 92.60 85.30 91.30 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 56.70 52.70 45.60 61.90 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 59.50 67.60 40.50 60.60 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 7.60 6.40 2.90 9.50 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 14.90 9.20 4.90 20.80 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 7.00 3.40 2.10 10.20 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 9.10 6.60 2.40 12.40 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 7.50 4.70 6.20 9.30 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 20.50 13.30 18.30 25.00 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 62.80 61.60 62.00 63.60 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 24.40 23.00 19.20 27.00 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 96.80 96.60 96.80 96.80 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 40.50 39.40 34.90 43.20 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 59.00 55.60 64.10 59.10 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 75.50 77.40 71.40 75.90 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 55.70 62.30 51.30 54.00 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 64.80 62.50 67.30 65.00 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 43.00 38.90 41.80 45.60 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 15.70 23.20 6.30 15.70 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.80 89.60 97.10 94.40 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 20.40 20.70 17.40 21.30 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 23.60 29.00 14.20 24.40 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.20 31.00 26.00 31.30 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 25.30 35.90 20.40 21.80 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 23.40 28.10 13.30 24.70 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 27.60 33.20 18.40 28.10 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.30 31.90 26.60 30.90 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 6.10 6.90 1.70 7.30 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 50.80 54.70 62.30 47.80 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 64.00 70.80 43.60 62.60 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 32.70 27.80 24.40 35.80 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 76.90 74.00 74.90 79.20 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 84.80 82.60 86.00 85.30 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 89.60 89.90 88.80 89.70 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 35.10 32.80 26.90 39.10 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 21.40 23.90 17.30 21.70 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 39.30 36.00 30.00 44.40 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 17.40 14.80 12.60 20.50 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 25.50 20.70 23.60 27.90 Andalucía 1.1% of companies that have computers, 97.80 97.70 98.10 97.70 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 85.50 85.20 84.70 86.00 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 49.20 47.20 45.80 51.60 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 96.30 94.90 95.30 97.30 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 93.50 93.70 93.20 93.50 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 34.70 27.80 21.80 43.80 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 95.10 94.90 94.40 95.60 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 47.60 38.80 38.20 54.70 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 41.60 32.10 36.20 47.30 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 12.90 10.20 13.30 13.70 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 76.30 76.70 80.80 73.80 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 28.00 28.30 25.70 29.00 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 65.70 63.60 70.20 64.20 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 53.20 52.50 51.80 54.20 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 20.40 18.70 20.10 21.20 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 13.90 14.30 12.90 14.30 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 28.30 29.90 27.40 28.00 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 15.20 13.90 14.20 16.10 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 21.20 16.20 23.50 22.10 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 33.40 28.90 41.40 31.20 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 8.30 3.00 7.40 10.80 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.20 100.00 98.40 99.30 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.10 99.50 98.40 99.30 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.70 96.50 97.10 98.40 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 13.00 13.20 10.30 14.20 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 50.70 45.30 57.90 49.30 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 38.40 33.30 43.80 37.70 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 40.30 34.50 43.40 41.10 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 22.60 22.80 24.90 21.40 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.80 0.00 1.60 0.70 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 71.10 76.30 64.90 72.10 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 22.70 19.30 29.70 20.50 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 2.80 1.60 2.50 3.50 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 2.60 2.80 1.40 3.20 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 96.60 98.50 99.50 94.60 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 89.80 90.50 90.50 89.20 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 49.70 49.20 51.20 49.30 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 45.40 54.30 40.90 44.10 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 48.80 43.90 48.50 50.80 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 91.10 89.40 88.10 93.20 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 84.00 75.30 89.70 84.50 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 71.60 66.30 77.70 70.70 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 73.10 67.90 82.60 70.40 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 69.00 65.90 68.80 70.30 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 51.90 54.90 41.00 56.10 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 22.60 13.20 36.40 19.50 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 4.70 3.80 9.60 2.60 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.30 0.50 0.20 0.30 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 23.60 7.80 39.90 22.30 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 38.50 31.50 45.70 37.90 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 25.20 25.80 29.10 22.80 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 25.70 22.20 38.80 20.50 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 68.70 68.10 73.40 66.60 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 97.30 97.60 99.60 96.00 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 96.70 95.60 99.60 95.60 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 22.10 38.30 15.50 19.30 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 61.70 73.20 64.10 56.00 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 88.00 88.80 86.60 88.40 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 55.30 58.00 38.90 63.00 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 56.20 70.90 41.80 56.80 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 6.50 7.30 1.70 8.80 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 13.40 13.30 3.50 19.00 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 5.90 6.00 1.50 8.40 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 8.70 10.80 3.10 10.90 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 7.00 7.20 7.10 6.90 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 20.00 16.90 18.20 22.60 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 62.10 63.10 59.80 62.80 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 26.30 22.60 25.50 28.20 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 95.20 93.60 93.90 96.40 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 44.10 40.70 43.00 45.90 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 61.70 62.60 69.50 57.70 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 70.10 77.10 57.90 73.40 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 55.50 56.50 58.20 53.90 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 64.70 67.60 60.90 65.50 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 40.60 36.80 45.70 39.60 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 14.10 29.60 5.70 13.10 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.50 85.20 96.90 94.60 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 17.00 15.80 10.60 20.70 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 24.20 28.80 19.70 24.70 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 32.30 36.30 27.90 32.80 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 24.30 36.10 22.40 20.60 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 21.50 31.50 14.60 20.90 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 26.80 33.60 18.70 28.10 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.60 35.90 24.90 31.40 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.00 5.10 1.60 6.70 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 44.20 51.40 39.90 42.50 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 46.60 51.40 1.40 50.40 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 48.60 39.50 61.50 49.90 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 79.80 73.30 82.40 81.10 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 83.80 86.80 89.80 79.80 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 93.30 94.00 90.30 94.50 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 32.80 32.90 27.40 35.50 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 21.00 21.40 19.10 21.80 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 36.30 31.50 37.60 37.50 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 15.30 12.20 10.60 18.80 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 29.90 20.20 30.00 34.30 Aragón 1.1% of companies that have computers, 99.20 100.00 100.00 98.20 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 87.00 89.50 79.80 88.20 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 41.00 38.20 28.80 48.20 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 98.70 98.60 100.00 98.20 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 94.90 94.00 99.20 93.80 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 27.50 21.90 13.50 37.60 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 98.60 98.60 99.20 98.20 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 44.50 40.80 34.50 51.10 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 36.60 32.20 32.00 42.20 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 8.10 7.80 8.80 8.20 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 74.10 71.20 73.80 76.30 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 24.50 28.20 13.00 26.60 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 62.10 59.40 62.00 64.10 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 54.50 53.50 53.70 55.60 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 19.30 14.30 15.70 24.40 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 15.00 12.80 8.00 19.70 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 26.20 25.90 23.40 27.70 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 13.00 11.20 5.40 17.70 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 18.50 15.00 13.00 23.30 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 26.50 28.10 19.00 28.60 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 11.60 5.20 15.20 14.80 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 98.30 100.00 95.70 98.20 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 98.00 100.00 94.50 98.10 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.60 99.70 94.50 97.40 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 10.80 9.80 4.10 14.40 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 45.80 46.40 40.50 47.70 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 35.90 36.70 31.40 37.20 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 35.20 35.00 33.40 36.10 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 19.80 23.20 17.70 18.20 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 1.70 0.00 4.30 1.80 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 70.20 72.00 70.30 68.80 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 22.10 22.30 18.30 23.70 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 3.30 3.50 2.20 3.50 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 2.70 2.20 5.00 2.20 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 98.30 100.00 99.20 96.70 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 91.40 91.10 89.70 92.40 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 44.00 40.90 46.30 45.30 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 46.90 41.20 54.30 47.80 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 42.50 41.90 38.00 44.80 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 89.40 96.20 86.30 85.70 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 86.50 83.60 81.50 90.70 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 73.60 72.20 66.00 77.90 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 76.10 70.40 76.10 80.30 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 69.10 68.70 58.60 74.00 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 55.20 55.60 46.60 58.70 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 21.70 10.90 35.20 23.70 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 2.00 1.20 5.20 1.30 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.20 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 29.20 18.10 50.40 24.50 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 33.80 34.10 43.80 26.70 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 33.30 22.90 37.10 39.90 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 18.80 12.00 34.70 14.00 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 68.10 71.60 70.20 65.00 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 96.30 98.20 98.00 94.40 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 97.60 97.70 99.10 97.10 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 21.20 35.10 4.50 17.40 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 69.30 72.70 61.30 70.30 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 88.20 90.80 91.10 85.10 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 53.10 60.40 34.90 54.40 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 60.00 71.90 41.30 58.00 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 6.80 4.90 7.00 8.10 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 15.20 10.90 2.50 23.20 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 6.60 1.60 9.50 9.20 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 8.10 6.10 0.00 12.60 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 4.70 2.30 5.00 6.50 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 13.90 10.40 15.30 16.20 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 65.30 67.00 53.80 69.10 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 24.60 21.60 32.30 24.10 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 96.00 96.30 100.00 94.50 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 43.60 44.90 48.90 40.40 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 66.20 57.00 68.00 72.80 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 82.80 83.50 79.70 83.80 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 59.30 67.20 54.40 55.50 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 58.80 62.00 52.20 59.70 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 41.70 41.30 38.50 43.30 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 14.80 16.40 11.90 14.70 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 95.10 95.00 96.00 94.80 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 24.20 24.50 24.00 24.00 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 25.20 27.80 20.60 25.30 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 29.80 26.00 30.50 32.30 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 25.40 36.60 21.00 19.00 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 24.40 29.80 16.90 23.50 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 30.40 35.70 25.60 28.60 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 29.10 25.70 26.70 32.60 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.00 8.60 0.10 4.40 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 59.50 53.60 0.00 68.70 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 55.30 59.20 100.00 49.30 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 30.10 28.20 0.00 33.20 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 73.80 74.20 62.30 78.40 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 81.90 79.80 90.00 80.60 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 89.40 87.30 93.90 89.30 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 32.20 29.20 27.40 36.00 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 18.20 19.60 12.30 19.70 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 38.80 41.30 33.50 39.10 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 17.00 10.80 6.70 25.90 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 22.20 20.50 26.60 23.20 Asturias, Principado de 1.1% of companies that have computers, 98.70 100.00 98.50 98.00 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 83.10 84.50 75.50 85.40 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 38.30 40.90 35.10 38.20 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 97.30 99.10 98.50 95.70 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 94.20 94.20 96.70 93.20 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 27.00 21.10 24.90 31.20 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 97.30 99.10 98.50 95.70 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 41.20 41.10 31.20 44.70 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 34.90 34.80 30.20 36.50 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 9.40 11.50 10.00 7.80 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 75.00 65.40 76.10 79.90 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 27.00 22.90 31.80 27.30 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 64.50 55.20 65.60 69.30 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 50.70 43.50 43.60 57.50 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 18.80 12.00 20.80 21.70 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 10.20 6.90 7.90 12.90 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 21.10 11.50 27.20 23.90 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 10.00 8.50 11.30 10.20 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 16.80 16.70 12.20 18.80 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 25.60 25.10 17.50 29.30 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 7.90 4.30 12.60 8.00 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.90 100.00 100.00 99.70 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.90 100.00 100.00 99.70 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 94.10 95.00 89.20 95.60 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 22.90 17.30 32.90 21.90 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 51.30 49.30 53.00 51.80 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 39.30 30.10 49.80 40.00 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 39.40 35.70 48.10 37.80 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 22.20 21.00 25.80 21.30 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.30 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 59.10 62.50 62.20 55.90 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 25.80 30.90 26.20 22.80 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 11.30 5.90 8.70 15.40 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 3.70 0.70 3.00 5.60 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 96.90 94.00 100.00 97.40 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 94.00 92.10 98.50 93.20 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 46.30 56.40 38.10 43.90 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 42.50 47.00 40.10 41.00 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 42.40 38.30 43.20 44.40 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 90.80 90.00 92.50 90.60 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 89.70 90.00 92.60 88.20 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 68.60 78.20 46.50 72.40 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 73.10 75.60 68.90 73.40 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 73.20 74.70 65.70 75.40 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 51.60 44.30 43.10 59.40 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 16.70 12.90 20.60 17.20 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 3.50 2.30 1.90 4.90 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.80 1.60 1.90 0.00 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 15.60 15.40 0.00 24.90 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 23.20 31.10 0.00 32.20 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 25.30 35.50 19.60 22.80 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 14.60 10.60 19.60 14.00 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 70.50 68.90 58.10 75.90 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 99.10 99.20 100.00 98.70 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 97.50 98.90 100.00 95.80 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 16.20 23.00 6.70 15.90 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 71.70 74.70 70.20 70.70 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 93.50 94.50 85.10 96.50 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 61.90 62.90 45.90 68.10 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 55.20 63.10 24.30 63.30 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 5.50 0.40 8.60 7.40 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 11.50 6.60 0.00 19.20 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 7.00 2.50 4.30 10.70 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 5.90 4.80 0.00 9.00 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 3.40 3.60 0.30 4.60 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 27.00 18.70 40.60 26.40 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 62.00 61.70 50.70 67.00 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 20.20 17.20 19.20 22.10 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 96.30 100.00 85.10 97.90 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 41.60 32.50 34.50 49.50 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 55.80 41.90 71.80 56.20 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 75.80 74.30 82.20 74.50 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 57.70 56.70 63.50 56.40 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 68.20 74.00 61.00 68.20 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 31.60 25.80 29.60 35.60 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 11.70 26.30 3.70 8.50 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.40 82.40 96.30 96.80 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 20.30 17.20 18.10 22.90 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 22.20 23.00 9.80 26.80 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 29.10 29.30 27.80 29.40 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 26.40 29.90 27.10 24.10 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 23.40 22.40 12.50 28.50 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 24.10 25.80 13.30 27.60 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.00 24.20 33.10 32.00 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.20 6.10 0.20 6.80 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 34.50 51.80 100.00 25.10 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 58.60 61.50 0.00 57.80 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 32.70 12.20 0.00 43.30 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 74.10 79.90 72.60 71.50 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 79.60 70.50 89.30 81.20 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 88.40 88.60 81.00 91.30 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 25.80 24.40 33.60 23.40 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 16.80 15.70 15.50 18.00 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 37.90 36.50 38.80 38.20 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 17.50 15.50 15.50 19.40 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 20.40 22.30 10.90 22.00 Balears, Illes 1.1% of companies that have computers, 98.40 100.00 93.00 100.00 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 90.90 90.20 80.10 95.20 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 45.30 37.30 40.00 49.20 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 96.40 100.00 86.00 99.40 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 92.30 91.00 98.80 90.20 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 33.70 17.20 14.40 44.90 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 95.90 96.70 86.00 99.40 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 50.10 36.60 27.70 56.10 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 42.70 30.70 24.90 47.60 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 7.90 4.90 5.00 8.90 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 73.50 72.40 57.10 79.90 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 22.80 20.70 13.30 26.90 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 62.00 61.40 43.90 68.90 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 56.60 50.30 50.00 60.50 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 20.20 21.90 11.70 22.90 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 12.20 8.60 0.90 17.30 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 23.30 22.90 20.10 24.60 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 18.50 9.30 32.30 15.70 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 13.80 8.00 7.60 17.60 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 24.80 15.20 16.00 30.50 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 9.70 16.40 13.10 6.90 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.50 100.00 100.00 99.20 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.50 100.00 100.00 99.20 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.70 100.00 100.00 96.50 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 8.70 2.90 2.80 12.10 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 42.30 34.40 41.60 44.50 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 27.90 29.40 20.40 29.90 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 35.40 25.10 35.50 37.90 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 21.10 25.70 14.90 21.90 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.80 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 71.90 72.30 75.50 70.70 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 17.50 17.50 10.30 19.70 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 4.20 4.60 4.20 4.00 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 6.00 5.60 10.10 4.80 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 96.50 98.50 99.60 95.00 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 91.60 92.10 97.60 89.60 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 35.70 25.00 32.10 39.50 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 44.50 36.70 54.20 43.40 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 52.80 47.60 54.80 53.50 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 88.90 82.70 88.40 90.60 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 83.00 78.30 95.90 80.10 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 68.70 67.60 72.90 67.70 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 69.20 66.60 84.10 65.10 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 64.90 63.50 72.60 62.90 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 47.10 43.40 45.80 48.50 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 17.80 12.40 33.00 14.30 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 0.60 0.00 1.80 0.40 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 16.10 42.50 0.00 13.50 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 31.10 51.60 6.40 32.00 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 26.10 49.90 6.40 24.90 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 18.10 7.60 6.40 23.40 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 57.40 44.40 47.00 64.50 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 93.60 95.80 97.60 91.50 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 94.60 100.00 99.80 91.30 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 16.20 8.40 5.70 22.10 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 66.60 73.10 56.70 68.20 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 91.40 92.90 94.10 90.20 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 53.00 42.20 37.80 59.90 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 60.90 59.10 42.70 66.30 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 12.10 5.60 0.00 17.00 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 29.30 5.50 7.00 41.50 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 19.30 4.30 3.10 27.50 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 16.10 3.30 3.30 22.80 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 9.80 2.10 16.80 10.00 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 19.20 4.70 28.40 20.60 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 54.60 46.10 63.20 54.00 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 28.00 28.00 23.50 29.70 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 96.00 84.60 100.00 96.90 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 37.70 34.40 19.20 45.40 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 55.10 56.50 51.60 55.30 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 79.80 84.80 96.10 76.30 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 60.50 74.60 47.30 59.90 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 61.40 34.30 85.50 62.60 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 52.20 47.50 43.40 56.60 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 19.60 5.60 3.50 27.00 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 92.70 96.00 100.00 90.00 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 17.50 13.20 14.20 19.80 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 19.60 19.80 9.00 23.50 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 28.10 22.20 26.10 30.30 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 24.20 22.10 19.30 26.50 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 20.80 13.70 10.40 26.50 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 25.10 27.40 19.80 26.60 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 29.40 31.30 25.70 30.40 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.10 3.90 0.80 7.00 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 47.50 84.40 0.00 44.30 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 71.50 100.00 100.00 66.40 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 50.00 0.00 0.00 58.90 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 78.90 70.80 73.90 82.70 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 86.90 79.00 92.40 86.80 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 86.60 84.90 82.80 88.20 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 29.00 20.90 15.80 35.00 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 20.70 14.20 15.10 24.40 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 33.30 24.40 26.40 38.10 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 13.80 6.40 11.70 16.30 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 32.30 23.00 37.70 32.90 Canarias 1.1% of companies that have computers, 99.20 100.00 99.00 99.00 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 86.20 86.00 82.60 87.20 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 39.60 43.20 31.00 41.20 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 98.10 95.30 97.90 98.70 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 88.20 89.40 90.80 87.30 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 32.80 30.10 10.20 39.20 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 96.10 95.30 92.90 97.10 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 28.00 40.90 28.00 27.20 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 22.70 32.10 23.60 22.00 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 3.80 6.20 6.00 3.50 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 74.70 76.10 67.50 76.40 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 27.30 21.70 25.80 28.70 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 63.50 67.00 54.60 65.20 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 54.80 53.90 48.20 56.70 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 17.60 16.70 13.80 18.80 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 10.90 9.00 3.90 13.00 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 26.10 17.00 23.30 28.40 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 12.90 5.90 15.00 13.70 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 17.50 9.10 12.40 20.40 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 26.90 20.00 27.00 28.10 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 5.10 10.10 3.60 4.50 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.80 100.00 100.00 99.70 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.70 99.40 100.00 99.70 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 98.60 98.00 99.40 98.50 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 8.20 13.00 4.90 8.30 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 41.50 46.40 39.10 41.30 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 27.80 30.50 12.20 31.30 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 33.50 30.70 34.10 33.90 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 14.70 12.50 11.90 15.70 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.40 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 74.10 84.90 83.20 69.90 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 19.60 10.20 13.50 22.90 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 3.40 4.90 1.30 3.70 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 2.60 0.00 2.00 3.20 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 95.70 98.90 98.10 94.50 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 89.50 91.40 83.30 90.80 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 37.50 37.30 38.90 37.10 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 44.70 34.50 44.80 46.40 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 40.30 45.60 30.30 42.00 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 85.30 87.80 86.20 84.60 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 78.90 77.40 78.10 79.30 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 65.00 69.40 63.50 64.70 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 68.20 72.60 73.90 65.90 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 62.20 55.40 63.60 63.10 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 42.90 32.00 43.70 44.60 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 22.40 22.00 35.80 19.00 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 3.10 6.50 3.70 2.30 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 1.00 4.50 1.90 0.20 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 20.60 17.00 13.80 23.10 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 33.40 29.90 38.50 32.90 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 22.30 22.30 19.30 23.10 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 18.40 25.70 10.40 18.80 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 61.20 56.20 62.60 61.50 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 95.20 91.00 89.00 97.50 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 34.00 30.20 26.00 36.60 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 13.20 20.80 3.00 14.80 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 57.70 67.90 29.00 63.40 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 86.20 85.90 69.10 88.30 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 53.50 48.10 47.00 55.30 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 58.20 52.30 50.60 60.20 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 9.10 1.80 0.00 11.60 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 25.20 13.00 0.00 30.50 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 11.00 3.80 4.80 13.10 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 12.50 3.60 0.00 15.60 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 8.30 3.90 0.00 10.10 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 16.50 17.30 5.20 17.70 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 57.50 55.90 62.80 56.40 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 28.40 34.90 21.70 29.20 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 94.50 94.80 96.00 94.00 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 35.10 37.90 21.60 38.20 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 60.80 61.60 37.60 64.10 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 71.30 68.90 50.80 74.80 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 47.40 49.10 49.20 46.90 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 63.30 47.90 88.90 62.30 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 47.40 55.90 46.30 46.20 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 17.70 31.40 4.90 18.10 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 94.80 82.30 96.00 97.20 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 18.00 21.40 11.20 19.20 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 21.30 15.90 13.40 24.40 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 25.90 30.20 22.90 25.90 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 20.40 36.20 15.70 18.70 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 24.40 23.60 14.10 27.20 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 27.60 30.20 21.20 28.80 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 26.10 27.40 24.60 26.30 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.30 9.50 3.90 4.90 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 56.40 59.50 53.00 56.00 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 72.20 76.60 50.00 75.40 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 20.20 6.30 0.00 29.40 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 79.20 80.30 80.20 78.80 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 77.70 75.40 62.50 82.10 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 90.70 92.60 95.90 89.00 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 29.30 27.20 19.00 32.40 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 23.30 25.60 24.10 22.70 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 33.80 36.20 22.40 36.40 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 13.30 16.80 3.60 15.20 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 25.50 28.50 13.20 26.10 Cantabria 1.1% of companies that have computers, 99.10 99.20 100.00 98.40 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 78.60 81.40 75.50 78.50 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 38.80 38.30 37.00 40.20 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 96.90 99.20 95.10 96.40 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 95.90 93.90 100.00 94.90 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 27.00 18.50 13.20 40.40 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 96.70 99.20 95.10 95.80 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 46.40 44.30 23.90 58.70 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 36.30 36.00 23.30 42.50 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 7.30 8.30 5.70 7.00 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 75.60 78.60 80.40 70.90 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 24.10 24.20 19.30 26.80 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 59.50 64.20 60.50 55.70 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 58.10 62.30 61.80 53.10 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 17.30 18.90 17.20 16.20 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 10.00 11.70 5.90 11.10 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 26.20 24.40 38.30 20.60 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 11.80 13.30 13.70 9.80 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 16.50 18.10 12.20 17.90 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 22.10 20.30 22.30 23.20 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 10.00 11.00 5.20 11.90 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 98.80 98.40 100.00 98.50 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 98.60 97.80 100.00 98.50 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.50 94.70 100.00 98.10 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 12.80 8.60 10.80 16.90 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 40.00 42.10 32.60 42.50 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 31.00 37.00 17.40 34.30 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 29.70 32.80 27.50 28.70 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 18.90 17.60 32.90 12.10 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 1.20 1.60 0.00 1.50 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 64.00 61.70 70.70 62.00 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 28.90 29.60 26.20 29.80 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 4.40 3.50 3.20 5.70 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 1.60 3.60 0.00 1.00 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 94.00 96.40 91.40 93.60 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 93.20 90.20 96.60 93.40 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 40.90 43.20 33.60 43.30 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 39.10 50.80 22.40 39.90 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 40.70 40.70 28.50 47.40 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 88.00 92.90 84.80 86.40 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 74.30 75.30 72.50 74.70 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 64.40 64.30 69.50 61.60 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 66.30 66.50 66.10 66.30 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 58.00 64.80 41.20 62.40 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 47.00 51.40 33.20 51.40 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 25.40 22.70 32.70 23.40 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 3.50 4.70 3.20 2.90 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.30 0.60 0.00 0.30 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 15.50 17.70 20.50 9.90 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 27.30 26.30 20.50 33.70 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 21.40 33.20 11.70 22.00 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 20.00 17.80 15.50 25.30 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 77.10 73.40 67.20 83.30 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 95.00 94.40 100.00 93.70 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 95.10 99.00 96.40 91.70 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 20.30 32.70 8.30 15.60 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 61.90 76.50 33.80 67.00 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 91.30 95.60 95.60 86.60 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 46.80 44.90 30.20 52.80 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 54.80 72.30 16.80 51.30 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 11.30 9.70 0.00 15.80 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 15.20 7.40 15.30 21.50 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 8.20 4.90 0.00 13.00 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 6.00 5.20 15.30 4.00 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 10.10 5.50 0.00 16.50 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 13.60 15.60 4.40 14.50 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 55.50 60.40 42.00 59.50 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 20.40 21.50 13.30 22.30 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 97.30 94.60 100.00 98.30 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 33.00 39.40 27.70 31.40 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 53.20 53.40 61.80 48.80 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 82.90 85.40 88.70 78.00 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 45.50 62.90 47.90 29.50 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 68.40 68.80 63.80 70.30 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 25.80 30.70 17.50 27.00 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 20.50 32.00 9.20 15.60 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 89.30 80.10 100.00 92.60 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 13.70 14.40 9.60 15.50 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 15.00 14.10 3.80 21.80 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 23.50 22.20 16.60 28.10 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 21.30 28.70 21.80 16.00 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 14.40 20.50 3.50 16.40 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 19.80 19.90 12.10 24.00 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 25.90 22.40 21.80 30.50 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 3.30 6.30 0.00 3.10 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 80.30 75.00 .. 87.50 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 61.70 40.10 .. 91.70 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 22.40 6.10 .. 44.90 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 67.40 61.60 72.50 68.50 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 83.60 83.30 81.60 85.00 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 93.70 93.60 96.30 92.20 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 25.10 32.40 16.60 25.50 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 21.10 26.60 16.10 20.20 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 29.20 30.70 22.30 31.90 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 15.30 19.50 4.60 18.30 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 24.50 18.70 6.70 37.10 Castilla y León 1.1% of companies that have computers, 98.30 98.20 94.70 99.90 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 84.40 84.40 77.00 87.40 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 41.10 42.50 38.40 41.30 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 96.50 97.70 89.40 98.70 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 92.20 91.00 98.70 90.30 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 36.40 29.00 22.90 46.90 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 96.10 96.60 89.40 98.50 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 43.10 43.90 27.50 47.40 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 34.30 30.70 25.10 39.90 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 8.00 8.10 5.80 8.60 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 73.40 71.00 72.70 75.20 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 27.00 25.00 23.60 29.80 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 63.60 62.30 60.30 65.80 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 56.70 53.30 60.40 57.30 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 18.00 19.30 12.40 19.50 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 11.00 11.60 2.70 14.10 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 27.20 22.20 26.70 30.70 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 11.00 14.20 11.50 8.70 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 19.10 25.20 10.60 18.70 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 24.40 28.40 18.70 24.20 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 9.70 4.80 18.10 9.80 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.30 98.90 100.00 99.20 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.30 98.90 100.00 99.20 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.10 95.90 100.00 96.90 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 13.40 14.20 7.80 14.90 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 48.30 48.80 50.90 47.00 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 38.10 42.90 41.50 33.70 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 37.80 38.60 38.30 37.20 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 19.80 22.60 12.60 20.60 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.80 1.10 0.00 0.80 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 67.30 69.30 70.70 64.80 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 22.40 22.50 20.40 23.20 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 5.90 5.90 7.50 5.30 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 3.60 1.20 1.50 6.00 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 95.50 98.30 95.60 93.70 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 89.80 90.90 89.60 89.20 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 47.00 45.90 58.20 43.40 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 54.80 52.60 69.00 50.80 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 50.60 49.90 57.50 48.40 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 90.70 89.60 94.10 90.10 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 84.40 80.20 85.10 86.70 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 72.30 68.90 77.50 72.60 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 70.40 70.40 84.00 65.20 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 67.50 68.10 70.50 66.00 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 51.30 53.30 54.00 49.00 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 24.50 21.10 45.10 19.00 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 3.80 2.00 3.00 5.20 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 1.50 1.70 1.90 1.20 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 18.20 13.80 30.20 17.00 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 30.70 40.20 44.00 20.70 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 26.30 19.20 44.00 24.70 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 22.20 26.80 45.30 11.80 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 67.60 67.20 78.10 63.70 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 96.00 97.10 100.00 93.70 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 94.30 96.00 100.00 91.00 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 21.50 35.20 3.70 19.50 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 66.50 69.00 66.30 64.90 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 94.90 95.90 94.80 94.20 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 63.30 57.20 71.10 64.40 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 58.00 72.40 41.00 54.60 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 6.10 1.90 0.20 11.20 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 13.60 8.20 4.70 20.70 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 3.70 3.40 0.00 5.30 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 7.20 6.20 6.70 8.10 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 8.40 4.90 10.70 10.00 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 19.50 15.80 21.60 21.30 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 64.40 64.50 64.80 64.20 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 20.20 18.40 12.90 24.10 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 96.40 95.10 100.00 95.80 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 38.70 38.30 26.10 44.20 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 57.60 53.30 50.30 61.80 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 70.30 66.30 84.40 69.10 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 54.50 57.50 35.00 57.50 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 65.70 63.20 89.60 61.20 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 37.80 43.00 31.50 37.10 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 17.40 26.10 9.40 13.70 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.10 88.60 98.90 94.40 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 19.70 18.70 16.00 21.90 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 23.40 27.40 14.10 24.70 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 26.30 30.90 19.90 25.90 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 22.20 35.50 17.60 15.40 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 22.50 25.40 11.60 25.20 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 28.70 32.20 16.80 31.40 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 28.60 35.50 21.60 27.00 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.70 6.10 0.40 7.70 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 44.20 64.90 22.20 34.00 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 66.70 57.20 22.20 72.60 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 35.90 18.90 100.00 43.10 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 73.60 77.30 58.70 77.40 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 81.90 80.50 80.50 83.10 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 88.10 86.50 81.70 91.20 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 34.30 36.70 35.40 32.50 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 23.60 25.20 18.00 24.80 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 33.60 35.20 26.80 35.30 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 16.20 18.50 11.40 16.60 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 23.40 23.00 15.00 25.30 Castilla-La Mancha 1.1% of companies that have computers, 97.60 98.40 94.10 99.00 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 83.70 88.50 66.30 91.00 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 43.10 44.60 41.00 43.20 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 95.50 96.20 89.70 98.80 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 95.00 96.40 93.40 94.80 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 30.30 21.60 13.20 48.70 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 93.30 94.70 83.00 98.80 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 38.70 36.70 27.60 46.80 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 32.20 27.90 26.00 40.10 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 7.70 6.20 8.10 9.20 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 75.10 72.00 83.40 72.40 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 26.50 19.00 29.40 31.10 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 65.70 63.00 76.80 60.80 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 55.00 43.30 69.10 55.80 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 16.40 16.00 8.30 21.90 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 9.80 9.50 4.40 13.50 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 25.60 21.40 21.90 31.50 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 9.80 13.60 5.70 9.30 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 18.60 13.00 18.30 23.50 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 24.00 25.40 12.60 30.10 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 10.10 7.60 15.40 9.10 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.40 98.40 100.00 99.90 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.90 96.50 100.00 97.80 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 10.60 9.10 9.30 12.60 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 40.30 37.80 35.50 45.10 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 32.80 33.20 27.10 35.90 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 30.90 23.70 23.50 41.10 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 19.80 23.40 7.20 24.10 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 70.90 76.10 74.40 64.60 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 18.40 15.90 14.00 23.10 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 7.30 4.00 5.90 10.90 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 3.40 4.00 5.70 1.50 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 94.60 94.30 89.50 97.90 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 88.70 87.20 82.20 93.80 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 43.90 44.50 35.00 48.50 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 45.70 43.10 32.70 55.30 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 44.80 46.50 31.20 51.30 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 85.90 92.90 71.70 88.50 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 85.00 82.20 84.90 87.40 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 75.90 72.60 75.10 79.10 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 74.70 74.40 74.30 75.30 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 69.40 68.90 66.00 71.80 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 47.90 53.80 33.90 51.10 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 25.70 18.80 44.10 20.70 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 2.50 1.50 1.20 4.10 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.80 0.80 0.40 1.10 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 9.70 20.20 1.20 6.10 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 23.50 19.60 31.40 21.60 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 16.40 22.00 19.50 9.10 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 19.00 29.70 15.20 11.90 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 68.70 65.60 83.80 63.00 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 96.00 96.40 99.60 93.90 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 96.10 96.30 99.60 94.10 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 23.70 38.40 6.20 21.60 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 59.40 71.10 35.80 63.60 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 87.60 91.50 82.30 85.80 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 51.40 49.70 59.90 50.10 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 55.70 61.90 36.50 56.50 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 6.50 4.50 4.00 9.10 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 14.60 12.00 9.40 18.70 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 3.40 1.10 1.20 6.20 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 7.20 3.50 2.20 12.40 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 5.90 3.60 5.10 8.40 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 17.00 13.00 18.60 20.00 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 57.90 58.10 44.50 65.60 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 26.60 26.90 26.00 26.60 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 98.00 98.90 97.70 97.40 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 37.00 43.80 20.00 42.10 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 68.30 66.60 79.10 66.40 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 71.40 69.20 60.60 76.70 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 65.10 72.10 63.40 59.40 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 68.60 62.80 78.10 70.80 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 37.80 37.60 40.10 36.50 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 11.80 21.40 1.10 11.00 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 94.10 89.30 98.90 94.80 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 19.00 15.70 19.70 21.30 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 27.20 29.70 12.40 34.60 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 31.80 33.80 21.40 36.90 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 29.10 40.10 17.30 27.40 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 25.80 29.70 13.70 30.40 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 31.00 37.20 16.30 35.30 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 34.00 35.70 28.70 35.90 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 4.30 4.50 0.00 6.90 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 44.70 78.60 .. 25.80 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 78.10 69.00 .. 83.20 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 41.60 47.00 .. 38.60 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 72.30 79.30 49.60 80.90 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 87.30 82.80 92.10 89.20 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 93.20 90.20 95.10 95.00 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 25.30 22.60 20.60 29.40 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 22.90 31.70 12.60 22.00 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 27.00 25.60 22.00 31.50 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 13.70 12.50 9.60 17.40 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 28.50 27.80 18.40 32.30 Cataluña 1.1% of companies that have computers, 99.10 98.50 100.00 99.20 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 90.50 89.10 85.50 92.70 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 48.70 46.80 41.30 52.00 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 98.10 97.30 98.90 98.30 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 93.20 93.60 93.00 93.10 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 31.80 25.40 25.90 36.90 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 98.10 97.30 98.90 98.30 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 56.60 50.90 39.00 63.50 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 48.00 40.30 36.40 55.00 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 13.70 12.00 12.50 14.90 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 75.70 75.10 67.20 78.70 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 25.70 24.10 15.20 29.70 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 65.40 65.60 61.00 66.60 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 54.20 53.60 48.30 56.30 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 22.40 20.90 12.40 26.30 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 18.30 16.70 9.20 21.90 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 27.40 22.90 22.60 31.20 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 13.90 11.10 13.30 15.60 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 27.40 21.20 17.60 33.60 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 34.00 31.80 18.70 39.80 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 9.10 8.60 10.90 8.70 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.80 99.30 100.00 99.90 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.60 99.30 99.10 99.90 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.50 97.40 97.10 97.60 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 14.40 15.20 14.30 14.00 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 53.00 55.10 48.20 53.40 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 38.70 42.30 32.30 38.90 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 43.40 42.60 39.40 45.00 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 27.10 26.20 24.30 28.40 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.20 0.70 0.00 0.10 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 70.20 74.00 74.10 67.10 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 21.80 18.40 21.90 23.60 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 3.30 3.70 1.30 3.80 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 4.40 3.30 2.70 5.50 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 97.40 97.80 97.40 97.10 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 91.90 91.10 95.50 91.30 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 37.70 37.90 18.20 43.50 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 47.60 48.20 36.90 50.50 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 48.70 47.80 46.40 49.90 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 92.40 92.70 90.50 92.70 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 84.80 84.00 90.70 83.50 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 71.30 71.30 71.80 71.10 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 70.90 66.30 77.60 71.20 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 68.30 68.90 65.30 69.00 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 54.10 56.90 49.10 54.20 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 24.30 18.90 36.80 23.30 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 4.70 2.20 6.00 5.60 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.60 0.30 0.40 0.90 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 17.60 20.30 16.40 16.60 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 30.10 28.00 47.40 25.30 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 27.30 21.20 43.10 25.00 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 14.50 13.70 20.60 12.90 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 62.50 60.90 48.60 67.30 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 95.80 95.10 90.40 97.70 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 97.40 96.10 98.60 97.70 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 29.80 44.20 6.70 29.00 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 72.00 77.10 46.90 77.10 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 92.90 95.40 85.00 93.20 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 58.40 55.00 40.80 63.50 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 66.90 69.70 46.60 69.10 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 8.50 8.30 2.50 9.70 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 18.20 10.50 0.10 25.40 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 8.60 3.70 1.90 12.40 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 11.40 7.30 2.00 15.30 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 8.60 5.70 2.90 11.20 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 21.40 10.60 12.70 28.50 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 63.60 63.30 67.70 62.50 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 25.00 23.90 17.40 28.00 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 97.00 97.70 95.00 97.20 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 40.30 38.40 38.80 41.70 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 60.40 54.90 71.90 59.90 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 80.70 77.50 84.80 81.10 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 61.00 67.60 63.10 57.30 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 65.00 60.40 69.30 66.00 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 48.60 45.50 39.50 53.00 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 14.80 19.90 5.30 14.70 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 94.70 92.10 97.60 95.30 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 22.50 23.10 20.70 22.70 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 26.90 32.00 14.40 27.90 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 32.90 31.40 28.20 35.20 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 29.90 36.80 27.00 27.30 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 27.50 31.40 14.50 29.40 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 31.50 35.10 24.00 31.90 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 32.40 32.70 26.90 33.90 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 8.80 9.50 0.80 10.90 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 55.30 55.80 100.00 54.10 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 69.10 81.50 2.80 64.90 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 25.20 25.90 2.80 25.40 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 81.70 77.80 82.10 83.60 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 89.20 87.30 91.20 89.50 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 88.90 92.40 86.60 87.80 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 41.00 39.20 31.30 44.80 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 25.10 28.80 18.00 25.20 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 47.40 46.30 27.70 53.80 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 19.10 17.60 9.90 22.60 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 30.90 21.30 27.10 39.30 Comunitat Valenciana 1.1% of companies that have computers, 98.70 97.20 100.00 99.10 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 85.20 86.90 79.70 86.30 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 42.90 39.20 36.20 48.00 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 96.90 95.40 94.20 98.90 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 92.50 91.30 89.60 94.50 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 29.00 18.20 19.40 39.80 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 95.90 94.50 93.50 97.70 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 52.40 41.60 43.10 60.20 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 39.10 31.00 39.40 43.30 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 14.00 7.60 11.80 18.00 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 74.90 74.60 66.60 78.50 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 27.40 24.90 25.70 29.60 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 62.90 63.80 51.10 67.00 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 53.20 53.00 45.30 56.40 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 20.10 18.00 9.10 25.70 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 14.50 16.10 4.90 17.20 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 25.40 26.80 16.10 28.10 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 11.50 13.50 10.80 10.60 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 17.70 14.00 16.60 20.50 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 27.80 25.50 20.30 32.20 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 7.60 7.10 13.40 5.80 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.50 99.20 100.00 99.50 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.50 99.20 100.00 99.50 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.70 97.00 99.50 97.30 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 12.20 11.40 10.20 13.40 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 47.80 43.50 47.90 50.50 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 36.20 32.50 33.10 39.70 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 37.10 33.80 39.40 38.20 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 22.80 21.00 21.20 24.50 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.50 0.90 0.00 0.50 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 71.40 74.40 82.60 65.40 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 19.50 16.40 10.20 24.90 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 5.60 5.00 4.10 6.60 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 2.90 3.40 3.10 2.50 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 95.80 96.00 99.30 94.40 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 92.20 92.40 96.90 90.40 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 40.30 37.80 34.80 43.80 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 45.40 44.40 42.70 46.90 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 46.10 40.10 55.70 46.20 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 90.60 89.50 91.30 91.10 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 80.80 76.30 91.80 79.50 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 67.10 64.80 70.60 67.20 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 70.40 66.70 81.30 68.70 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 64.90 58.60 68.90 67.40 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 49.90 48.00 51.60 50.40 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 19.30 13.50 37.40 16.20 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 2.90 2.40 5.10 2.40 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.60 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 16.90 11.10 20.20 20.50 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 27.30 23.60 26.60 30.40 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 21.60 17.50 24.40 23.70 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 25.10 22.50 20.40 28.80 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 66.20 69.90 50.80 70.20 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 96.70 94.70 99.00 97.00 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 95.50 94.50 95.20 96.20 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 26.40 43.60 0.90 26.80 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 67.00 73.10 52.00 68.80 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 89.30 93.80 74.40 90.50 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 53.70 53.30 31.30 60.30 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 59.10 73.50 32.80 56.90 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 7.40 8.60 0.10 8.60 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 13.40 9.30 11.90 16.50 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 4.20 2.50 0.00 6.40 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 8.10 7.50 0.30 10.60 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 4.50 4.30 1.70 5.40 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 16.00 11.90 13.10 19.40 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 59.60 56.70 66.20 58.90 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 23.80 29.50 19.70 22.10 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 97.80 94.70 100.00 98.80 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 40.60 40.50 29.00 45.20 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 55.20 58.60 50.00 54.50 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 75.40 81.90 69.60 73.10 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 52.90 61.70 45.90 49.60 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 60.10 61.20 59.80 59.60 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 40.50 36.90 39.10 43.30 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 14.80 23.70 2.30 14.40 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.40 89.40 99.90 93.20 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 20.60 20.70 18.80 21.30 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 22.00 29.40 11.30 21.40 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 28.10 27.90 22.10 30.70 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 26.40 38.10 17.00 22.40 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 23.40 28.60 10.90 25.00 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 27.10 33.80 16.30 27.00 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 28.90 31.40 26.30 28.20 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 6.30 7.50 2.10 7.10 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 39.50 38.10 39.50 40.40 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 68.60 70.30 79.40 66.30 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 37.40 28.00 18.90 45.90 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 74.10 73.00 70.20 76.40 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 79.90 78.80 75.00 82.50 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 89.50 89.60 91.90 88.60 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 27.70 27.40 11.60 33.70 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 17.70 21.50 8.50 18.90 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 34.80 33.10 25.40 39.60 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 17.60 14.30 13.50 21.40 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 24.80 18.60 28.30 26.80 Extremadura 1.1% of companies that have computers, 98.60 100.00 98.60 97.80 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 82.60 89.50 77.50 82.50 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 38.90 42.40 39.60 36.90 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 95.80 100.00 97.30 92.90 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 94.30 97.80 96.10 91.60 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 33.30 29.10 8.50 50.40 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 95.80 100.00 97.30 92.90 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 39.60 37.20 30.90 45.40 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 33.40 27.90 29.50 38.30 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 7.10 5.70 5.30 8.90 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 79.10 72.40 77.60 83.10 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 17.90 15.10 16.30 20.10 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 64.90 60.50 66.60 66.00 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 56.60 44.50 51.20 65.60 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 14.30 13.90 11.30 16.40 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 6.80 12.50 1.00 7.80 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 24.70 29.10 16.00 28.00 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 18.00 15.90 17.80 19.10 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 14.80 12.50 11.50 17.80 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 29.60 35.20 29.00 27.30 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 13.50 23.30 16.10 6.90 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 98.80 100.00 96.10 100.00 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 98.80 100.00 96.10 100.00 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 98.60 99.80 95.90 99.80 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 9.80 9.80 9.30 10.20 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 38.60 35.50 29.40 46.00 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 28.60 31.70 22.50 30.90 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 28.80 25.70 20.00 36.00 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 21.50 13.50 20.10 26.40 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 1.20 0.00 3.90 0.00 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 70.10 74.40 57.80 75.70 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 20.20 16.70 26.00 18.30 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 6.00 1.00 12.30 4.40 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 2.60 7.90 0.00 1.50 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 99.90 99.80 99.80 100.00 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 93.50 94.40 92.20 93.90 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 47.00 49.70 47.20 45.50 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 46.10 56.90 42.60 42.90 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 44.90 45.00 36.40 50.20 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 89.70 88.30 90.00 90.30 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 89.00 83.20 94.60 88.30 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 73.50 75.20 67.70 76.50 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 77.40 71.40 83.30 76.60 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 66.00 68.50 59.30 69.00 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 46.60 56.10 31.40 51.60 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 31.00 15.50 54.50 23.70 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 4.70 1.60 8.20 4.10 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.30 0.00 0.20 0.50 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 28.20 18.10 36.40 26.40 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 31.90 20.40 36.40 34.00 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 36.00 27.70 38.50 38.10 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 30.60 34.90 20.40 37.00 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 67.20 57.30 72.00 69.50 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 95.00 94.20 90.10 98.00 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 97.60 92.80 98.90 99.20 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 20.40 31.00 6.60 22.60 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 55.50 59.40 40.40 63.30 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 87.70 91.90 84.70 86.90 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 56.30 45.40 50.10 64.00 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 57.10 63.40 53.90 55.50 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 5.60 1.50 5.20 7.60 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 12.40 13.50 5.40 14.80 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 6.90 4.80 0.00 10.70 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 11.50 6.50 0.00 18.60 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 6.50 2.50 0.00 11.00 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 14.70 13.10 10.70 17.10 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 56.10 53.20 52.60 59.90 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 24.40 17.80 30.50 23.90 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 93.60 89.70 95.40 94.30 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 36.70 32.20 32.80 41.30 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 73.60 36.70 92.30 78.00 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 71.20 87.60 64.90 68.20 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 53.60 59.80 55.70 50.30 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 60.80 70.20 42.00 66.50 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 35.70 37.10 40.20 32.30 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 13.70 22.50 4.70 15.70 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 95.20 94.70 100.00 91.80 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 18.80 13.10 16.10 23.10 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 23.50 31.40 12.00 26.70 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 27.20 36.40 25.70 23.90 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 21.20 32.10 17.70 18.20 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 23.70 32.10 12.00 26.80 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 25.90 34.80 12.20 30.00 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 26.40 35.70 23.30 24.00 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 4.80 8.70 1.90 4.70 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 53.00 76.10 0.00 46.10 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 74.50 81.10 100.00 62.60 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 38.60 68.80 0.00 22.10 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 67.30 64.20 67.00 68.90 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 82.80 83.50 88.60 79.10 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 92.60 93.80 93.00 91.90 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 25.10 26.50 31.80 20.50 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 23.60 24.80 24.70 22.40 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 28.20 35.20 24.60 27.20 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 16.70 25.50 7.60 18.10 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 26.00 25.70 29.10 25.70 Galicia 1.1% of companies that have computers, 98.60 99.40 100.00 97.40 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 80.20 74.60 72.30 87.40 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 38.50 39.60 33.90 39.60 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 97.30 96.70 100.00 96.50 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 93.80 90.80 97.10 94.30 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 33.20 19.50 30.60 43.50 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 96.80 95.60 100.00 96.20 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 49.10 41.80 27.40 60.30 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 37.60 28.60 25.50 47.40 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 8.00 6.80 9.10 8.50 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 75.20 71.00 81.10 75.60 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 28.60 26.70 22.70 32.40 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 65.10 61.80 70.60 64.90 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 52.80 49.00 52.50 55.40 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 16.80 16.50 18.10 16.40 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 13.80 10.50 14.00 16.10 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 24.60 23.10 25.00 25.50 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 8.40 9.20 8.90 7.70 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 16.60 17.60 15.10 16.60 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 23.70 23.20 29.90 21.40 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 8.00 9.10 5.80 8.30 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.40 99.00 100.00 99.50 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.10 97.80 100.00 99.50 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 95.90 97.00 94.70 95.70 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 14.50 12.40 13.10 16.60 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 49.20 46.40 53.40 49.20 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 34.20 36.60 31.90 33.60 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 41.30 37.00 46.40 42.00 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 23.10 21.60 30.60 20.80 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.60 1.00 0.00 0.60 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 66.40 72.50 63.70 63.30 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 22.30 16.20 22.70 26.10 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 6.50 7.10 9.90 4.70 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 4.30 3.20 3.70 5.30 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 98.50 99.20 99.40 97.70 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 88.10 87.60 86.00 89.40 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 43.10 42.90 36.60 46.00 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 45.60 41.10 39.40 51.30 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 48.60 37.80 47.10 56.50 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 90.50 82.20 99.70 92.10 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 81.00 75.80 83.50 83.30 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 68.90 63.10 68.80 72.70 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 68.00 66.70 67.60 69.00 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 63.70 60.70 57.70 68.40 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 48.10 47.00 42.90 51.20 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 18.50 13.60 27.10 18.20 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 3.70 3.10 8.20 2.20 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 1.10 2.50 0.50 0.30 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 12.20 6.70 12.80 16.50 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 21.50 20.40 30.20 17.30 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 19.60 10.80 26.30 23.00 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 19.20 18.60 15.80 21.70 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 65.20 68.20 61.40 64.70 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 93.20 93.90 84.80 95.80 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 94.30 92.10 94.80 95.40 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 24.20 37.30 4.80 23.60 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 61.20 63.60 50.40 64.20 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 92.50 90.10 99.40 91.80 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 55.20 52.30 55.00 57.30 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 55.70 65.90 36.70 55.40 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 6.10 2.10 8.20 8.10 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 9.40 3.90 0.00 16.30 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 6.10 5.20 0.20 8.70 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 7.60 5.90 0.00 11.30 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 5.00 2.70 9.40 5.10 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 20.40 16.30 23.50 22.00 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 59.20 54.20 55.80 64.00 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 23.20 26.90 23.10 21.00 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 96.70 97.30 100.00 95.00 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 38.10 34.40 43.00 38.60 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 58.50 56.10 66.30 56.20 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 70.10 81.20 51.20 72.30 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 50.50 58.30 55.60 43.40 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 63.40 68.70 68.80 57.70 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 37.80 35.60 46.90 35.60 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 16.80 22.50 14.30 14.40 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.00 91.50 93.50 93.80 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 16.20 17.00 14.70 16.20 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 25.20 27.10 16.70 27.40 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 31.00 29.50 29.30 32.70 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 24.20 31.10 25.80 19.00 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 25.00 23.00 22.50 27.50 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 27.60 28.20 19.60 30.60 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.70 29.50 31.10 31.40 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.00 5.70 1.20 6.10 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 42.40 46.60 0.00 43.30 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 57.70 59.10 100.00 53.10 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 35.90 24.10 0.00 46.50 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 73.20 68.30 76.30 75.10 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 82.40 85.40 79.50 81.80 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 90.00 90.70 89.70 89.80 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 30.30 32.10 26.00 31.10 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 15.20 18.10 10.00 15.50 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 35.00 30.60 29.10 40.40 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 13.00 12.70 12.90 13.10 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 17.30 13.30 12.80 21.40 Madrid, Comunidad de 1.1% of companies that have computers, 99.10 99.60 98.40 99.20 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 87.60 85.90 85.50 88.60 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 50.00 42.30 47.10 53.00 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 98.60 97.40 98.10 99.10 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 94.80 89.70 97.00 95.60 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 30.20 17.60 30.60 33.60 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 98.20 97.40 98.10 98.50 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 63.80 57.80 46.90 67.30 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 52.70 49.00 42.50 54.80 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 14.50 14.80 16.50 14.20 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 73.90 70.20 63.90 77.80 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 29.90 26.10 16.90 34.70 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 59.90 57.00 45.80 64.70 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 51.80 50.50 48.40 53.10 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 25.40 19.40 17.80 29.30 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 21.00 13.30 10.10 26.20 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 30.80 21.80 25.50 34.80 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 16.90 8.90 13.70 20.00 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 27.30 15.80 21.60 32.10 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 35.90 28.70 23.20 41.60 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 7.10 5.60 13.80 5.70 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.70 99.60 99.60 99.70 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.40 99.60 99.40 99.40 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.40 98.00 96.90 97.40 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 15.20 12.20 10.50 17.40 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 60.00 48.30 53.70 65.00 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 48.60 34.80 42.80 54.00 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 50.20 38.20 44.60 55.00 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 31.80 24.90 35.60 32.60 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.30 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 58.60 67.00 60.70 55.80 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 26.10 23.20 24.60 27.30 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 9.00 5.00 12.40 9.10 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 5.90 4.50 1.80 7.50 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 96.90 96.90 96.80 96.90 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 91.00 89.70 88.60 92.10 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 45.00 30.80 37.70 50.90 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 50.50 37.60 43.40 56.00 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 48.90 41.80 33.30 55.20 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 90.10 87.90 91.90 90.20 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 86.60 86.20 86.30 86.80 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 76.40 72.80 78.70 76.80 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 77.10 69.40 82.90 77.60 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 73.30 72.00 63.30 76.40 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 57.50 50.00 49.10 61.90 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 25.00 18.50 31.00 25.10 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 6.40 5.30 10.30 5.60 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 1.00 0.50 0.90 1.10 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 14.20 10.50 9.50 17.40 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 31.70 26.80 46.20 26.80 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 21.20 17.80 23.10 21.40 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 19.20 20.90 21.90 17.40 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 74.30 66.30 79.00 75.20 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 98.80 98.30 99.80 98.80 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 98.70 99.00 98.90 98.50 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 21.10 33.10 10.60 20.50 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 71.70 72.80 58.60 75.10 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 91.10 89.90 82.30 93.30 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 62.00 45.40 53.80 68.10 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 55.60 53.80 42.90 58.90 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 7.80 5.80 2.80 9.40 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 12.70 6.30 5.40 16.00 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 7.20 1.10 2.60 9.80 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 7.60 1.80 1.60 10.50 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 10.60 3.50 9.00 12.80 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 27.30 16.10 20.50 31.80 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 67.90 62.80 62.00 70.90 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 25.90 19.00 12.60 30.80 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 96.80 98.00 95.70 96.90 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 44.20 40.10 34.10 48.10 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 56.70 53.00 52.40 58.50 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 76.00 75.00 85.20 74.30 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 54.30 58.60 39.90 56.20 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 68.80 61.30 74.40 69.40 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 48.00 38.00 42.10 52.50 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 17.80 25.80 12.20 17.50 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.40 87.70 93.80 94.50 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 20.40 18.30 20.00 21.10 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 20.90 31.30 13.40 20.10 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.10 30.50 26.30 31.20 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 21.90 36.40 14.70 19.90 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 18.80 27.20 9.10 19.30 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 23.90 34.40 16.90 23.10 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.50 29.90 28.50 31.20 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.50 6.00 2.50 6.20 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 52.40 65.50 66.70 47.30 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 65.30 74.20 35.30 66.40 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 34.70 39.60 3.10 37.00 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 81.20 76.60 80.40 82.70 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 89.00 87.20 89.30 89.40 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 88.30 89.20 86.50 88.50 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 44.80 34.20 33.90 50.60 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 22.90 25.70 23.50 21.90 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 48.60 36.70 33.70 56.10 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 22.50 14.60 19.80 25.40 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 24.30 22.60 21.40 25.00 Murcia, Región de 1.1% of companies that have computers, 96.40 97.90 95.00 96.10 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 85.70 83.70 92.80 83.60 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 43.20 36.80 58.50 39.80 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 96.10 97.90 93.90 96.10 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 95.10 94.70 95.00 95.40 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 22.00 14.80 12.70 30.40 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 95.20 97.90 92.80 94.80 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 36.20 35.80 26.70 39.50 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 28.90 24.40 25.10 32.70 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 6.80 6.10 7.50 7.00 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 81.50 78.40 85.50 81.50 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 23.30 33.00 8.80 24.40 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 71.70 71.50 74.40 70.60 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 58.00 58.40 60.30 56.70 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 19.90 20.70 12.40 22.80 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 14.20 14.60 10.20 15.90 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 32.00 25.30 35.80 34.10 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 18.70 14.90 28.70 16.30 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 13.60 13.30 21.50 10.20 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 28.30 27.40 25.80 29.90 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 6.10 7.40 4.20 6.30 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.40 97.90 100.00 100.00 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.40 97.90 100.00 100.00 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 96.70 97.30 94.70 97.20 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 11.20 8.00 6.80 15.00 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 47.80 45.00 56.30 45.60 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 35.40 27.10 48.30 34.30 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 38.30 36.70 48.10 34.80 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 21.00 19.30 22.10 21.50 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 0.60 2.10 0.00 0.00 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 77.20 82.60 76.50 74.50 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 17.10 11.30 13.80 21.90 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 2.80 2.20 6.60 1.50 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 2.30 1.90 3.00 2.10 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 98.30 95.60 100.00 99.10 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 91.20 88.20 100.00 89.00 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 39.50 35.30 43.20 40.30 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 41.90 34.80 37.70 47.80 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 36.90 36.20 36.60 37.50 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 88.20 85.90 90.90 88.40 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 78.60 73.80 91.00 75.70 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 69.80 62.80 86.10 66.60 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 68.60 61.80 87.20 64.30 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 55.70 55.10 53.60 57.10 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 42.00 37.90 35.30 47.20 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 20.10 6.30 43.80 17.40 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 4.40 0.80 11.90 3.20 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.50 0.90 0.00 0.50 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 24.10 23.90 35.60 18.60 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 29.90 40.30 13.40 31.60 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 24.70 35.50 12.80 23.90 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 14.10 30.00 4.10 9.20 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 57.40 44.70 58.60 63.90 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 93.90 93.80 100.00 91.50 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 93.30 94.60 98.40 90.40 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 24.10 32.50 3.70 28.00 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 63.50 76.50 44.90 64.30 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 82.50 85.20 63.00 86.80 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 49.90 46.60 33.50 57.10 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 55.30 68.30 30.20 54.10 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 6.00 3.80 4.70 7.90 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 12.20 1.70 12.10 19.50 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 3.90 0.60 0.00 7.50 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 5.60 3.00 0.00 9.20 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 5.10 4.90 2.90 5.90 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 14.30 4.90 6.60 23.00 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 55.80 49.80 64.20 55.60 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 18.00 22.10 5.20 22.60 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 99.40 99.00 100.00 99.20 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 38.10 35.10 38.70 39.60 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 62.10 56.00 82.60 56.10 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 67.80 73.40 56.30 70.20 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 52.10 63.80 24.50 58.40 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 55.00 52.90 36.60 64.20 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 50.00 43.80 57.90 49.90 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 16.40 24.60 1.30 20.40 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.90 87.10 98.90 94.70 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 24.60 24.00 28.60 23.00 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 22.90 27.00 13.40 24.80 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 29.80 31.00 38.30 25.30 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 25.60 31.80 26.20 21.80 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 26.40 26.70 23.60 27.50 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 27.50 27.40 19.30 31.30 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.00 27.60 37.60 27.90 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.50 3.90 5.00 6.70 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 74.20 60.80 100.00 69.80 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 61.70 70.50 100.00 45.90 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 38.10 29.30 100.00 20.00 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 75.60 78.40 70.80 76.10 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 79.90 76.80 80.00 81.60 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 90.70 87.50 90.10 92.80 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 31.90 27.20 27.20 36.50 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 22.10 22.10 20.10 22.90 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 31.40 29.30 32.30 32.30 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 14.70 12.30 15.20 15.80 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 21.10 15.30 22.30 26.00 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 1.1% of companies that have computers, 99.80 100.00 100.00 99.50 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 90.40 93.70 86.40 88.90 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 43.80 49.00 43.10 39.30 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 99.00 100.00 95.00 99.50 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 94.90 93.90 97.80 94.80 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 30.00 17.10 22.60 44.80 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 99.00 100.00 95.00 99.50 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 48.00 48.60 31.80 54.00 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 39.00 37.60 27.80 46.60 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 10.50 12.20 9.60 7.70 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 72.70 78.00 57.50 73.50 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 18.20 19.50 8.40 20.70 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 58.10 57.50 42.70 64.60 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 50.70 57.30 39.40 49.00 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 19.60 28.10 10.40 15.20 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 16.70 19.20 8.90 17.40 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 24.00 26.10 13.40 25.90 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 10.90 7.60 13.90 12.90 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 17.60 21.20 15.70 15.00 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 27.20 28.10 27.90 26.20 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 8.10 6.90 7.50 9.50 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 99.00 98.90 100.00 98.70 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 99.00 98.90 100.00 98.70 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 98.40 98.70 100.00 97.50 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 11.50 14.40 10.00 9.30 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 46.70 41.80 44.20 52.10 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 32.30 29.30 32.50 35.00 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 38.70 32.30 37.00 45.30 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 22.90 19.40 27.40 24.40 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 1.00 1.10 0.00 1.30 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 64.50 65.80 64.40 63.40 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 22.80 18.60 25.70 25.60 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 8.70 10.80 7.60 7.20 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 3.00 3.70 2.40 2.60 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 94.20 92.40 100.00 93.70 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 90.80 91.40 100.00 86.90 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 41.10 34.20 44.70 46.20 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 51.50 51.70 41.00 55.10 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 39.30 34.10 35.40 45.50 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 88.90 93.30 84.60 86.50 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 89.50 86.90 100.00 88.20 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 78.90 74.60 91.00 78.50 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 83.20 85.30 100.00 75.20 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 74.60 74.60 86.00 70.50 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 62.00 62.10 75.70 56.90 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 28.00 22.10 59.40 22.00 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 3.20 1.50 5.20 4.10 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.90 0.50 0.00 1.60 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 9.20 5.40 16.70 10.90 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 20.00 6.40 46.00 26.30 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 17.60 15.60 46.00 14.40 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 21.80 15.10 0.00 31.00 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 61.50 64.00 60.60 59.50 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 93.90 94.40 100.00 90.70 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 99.00 100.00 97.30 98.90 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 19.90 33.10 0.00 15.70 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 70.10 69.40 69.60 70.90 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 93.20 94.70 97.00 90.40 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 55.80 58.20 49.40 55.90 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 56.90 63.70 45.80 54.80 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 10.10 8.60 6.80 12.60 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 13.30 13.10 7.50 15.60 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 5.30 5.10 7.50 4.70 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 7.80 11.00 0.00 7.70 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 5.80 2.90 10.90 6.50 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 18.00 13.40 21.80 20.80 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 76.10 76.50 85.40 72.30 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 22.90 16.40 19.60 30.80 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 98.60 99.70 100.00 97.00 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 43.30 46.50 42.30 40.70 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 55.80 42.10 72.20 63.80 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 80.80 75.90 90.80 82.00 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 55.10 52.90 51.20 59.00 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 76.00 74.60 84.30 74.20 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 38.10 33.40 40.40 41.40 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 19.90 38.10 6.60 11.30 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 90.70 84.70 100.00 91.70 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 23.90 30.40 18.80 19.90 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 21.60 26.80 11.60 20.70 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 27.10 32.90 23.50 23.20 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 26.30 37.70 15.20 20.00 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 22.30 27.50 9.40 22.30 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 26.70 33.80 15.50 24.30 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 27.60 32.30 24.20 24.70 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 5.30 6.50 0.00 6.30 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 41.40 61.10 .. 22.60 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 69.70 63.10 .. 75.90 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 39.20 21.40 .. 56.20 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 67.20 70.80 73.00 61.80 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 83.90 82.70 79.40 87.30 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 84.50 83.60 95.40 80.60 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 36.60 46.30 24.60 31.80 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 19.30 25.70 11.00 16.40 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 34.50 36.20 33.70 33.30 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 17.30 14.00 12.60 22.10 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 24.60 22.50 17.50 37.30 País Vasco 1.1% of companies that have computers, 98.80 99.90 98.00 98.00 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 84.10 83.00 78.00 87.10 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 43.00 44.80 48.40 39.60 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 95.50 93.90 98.00 96.20 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 26.60 16.90 20.70 37.50 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 97.50 96.90 98.00 98.00 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 56.20 50.90 33.50 66.00 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 43.00 36.50 32.60 51.50 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 10.90 8.80 12.90 12.50 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 70.20 70.50 72.70 69.20 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 20.90 21.00 6.80 25.40 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 57.80 56.90 56.50 59.00 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 48.20 50.10 47.60 46.70 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 18.60 16.60 8.00 23.90 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 17.00 18.70 6.80 18.70 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 21.00 19.50 13.20 24.90 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 14.30 9.80 21.30 16.10 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 23.20 16.80 25.30 28.40 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 27.20 22.90 22.20 32.80 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 8.90 8.70 18.10 6.20 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 98.90 98.90 95.40 100.00 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 98.80 98.90 95.40 99.90 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.00 98.00 90.80 98.10 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 13.50 10.00 17.30 15.50 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 50.20 45.90 51.90 53.60 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 39.10 37.50 33.10 42.60 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 39.50 34.10 45.20 42.60 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 21.30 19.10 13.90 25.70 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 1.10 1.10 4.60 0.00 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 62.70 69.50 59.80 57.50 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 23.40 19.10 24.10 27.10 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 5.90 5.90 3.20 6.90 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 6.80 4.50 8.30 8.50 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 97.20 98.20 95.00 97.00 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 91.60 93.80 93.10 89.20 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 47.70 43.40 51.90 50.20 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 44.90 46.30 32.40 47.60 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 43.80 42.60 34.90 47.80 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 88.90 88.20 88.60 89.60 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 84.40 85.00 82.50 84.50 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 70.30 65.70 72.80 73.60 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 74.10 72.50 81.60 73.20 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 71.60 74.80 70.50 69.00 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 60.80 61.30 64.50 59.10 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 21.90 12.20 34.70 26.60 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 4.40 1.90 9.60 5.00 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.60 0.10 0.00 1.30 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 18.00 23.90 15.70 14.20 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 27.30 22.70 31.30 29.50 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 22.50 21.90 19.50 23.90 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 18.60 20.00 33.20 13.10 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 76.50 78.10 76.00 75.10 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 95.90 95.80 97.70 95.40 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 97.10 96.50 94.60 98.60 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 26.90 36.50 15.50 21.10 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 70.00 74.00 52.70 71.90 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 93.60 94.30 94.10 92.80 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 53.80 48.00 67.10 56.30 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 64.10 71.10 43.40 62.50 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 7.50 8.00 4.80 7.60 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 13.40 8.20 8.80 19.40 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 7.80 5.30 6.00 10.50 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 11.80 9.50 11.50 14.00 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 7.00 5.30 11.30 7.60 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 22.20 15.40 30.90 26.50 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 66.80 67.40 75.00 63.70 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 22.90 20.60 17.90 27.10 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 97.40 97.50 99.30 96.70 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 36.80 41.50 30.50 34.50 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 51.70 51.00 43.40 54.90 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 79.10 80.30 58.20 83.70 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 51.40 62.80 31.90 44.40 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 65.40 60.20 99.10 61.60 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 35.50 29.60 45.90 37.60 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 14.70 19.60 2.60 16.00 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.70 92.10 97.60 93.20 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 25.00 27.80 18.70 24.40 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 23.00 29.90 6.90 21.90 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 29.00 33.20 16.00 29.40 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 24.80 36.90 13.70 17.30 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 23.30 26.60 8.10 25.20 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 26.40 34.60 7.20 25.10 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 30.60 34.90 15.80 31.30 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 6.30 6.40 6.00 6.30 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 58.90 47.60 95.30 58.30 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 55.10 73.30 13.90 50.70 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 14.40 19.30 0.00 14.30 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 68.40 65.00 74.50 69.60 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 80.60 74.60 87.70 83.40 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 85.80 84.20 85.90 87.20 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 34.50 34.80 33.60 34.70 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 19.10 20.80 21.40 16.90 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 39.30 35.70 30.50 45.40 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 17.40 14.00 22.60 18.70 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 21.90 16.60 30.90 26.00 Rioja, La 1.1% of companies that have computers, 95.80 96.70 92.00 96.60 1.2% of companies available to Local Area Network (LAN) 88.70 90.10 92.00 85.00 1.3% of companies available to Local Area Network 'Wireless' 40.60 42.60 40.20 38.20 1.4% of companies that Internet connection was available, 94.90 95.90 92.00 95.00 1.5% of companies that had a telephone to mobile 91.70 91.20 92.00 92.20 1.6% of companies had other technologies (GPS, POS, etc.). 30.20 21.80 21.80 45.60 1.7% of companies that possessed electronic mail (e-mail) 94.90 95.90 92.00 95.00 2.1% Staff using computers at least once a week 38.50 35.10 27.30 50.80 2.2% Staff using computers connected to Internet at least once a week, 30.90 25.20 25.80 44.40 2.3% available to staff of any laptop or similar device with 3G or higher to access the Internet, 6.40 4.30 6.70 10.30 3% of companies used the typology of open source software, 72.80 74.90 87.40 62.60 3.1% of companies that used the typology of open source software: operating systems (eg Linux ...) 26.20 28.10 27.50 23.00 3.2% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Internet browsers (eg Mozilla Firefox, Chromium ...) 64.80 67.80 79.70 53.30 3.3% of companies that used the typology of open source software: office applications (eg Open Office ...) 50.70 53.80 65.10 39.20 3.4% of companies that used the typology of open source software: Web Server / Internet (eg Apache, Tomcat, Cherokee ...) 17.20 22.20 4.10 17.30 3.5% of companies that used the typology of open source software, open source applications for the automatic processing type informacipn ERP or CRM, 11.50 13.70 6.70 11.10 3.6% of companies that used the typology to ó c software open say: Others, such as security software (eg Open SSL, SSH), learning platforms (eg Moodle ...), electrpnico mail servers (eg Send Mail, Postfix ...) 27.40 31.80 19.70 25.60 4% of companies whose employees keep an access to informacipn electrpnicamente staff regarding the human resources department, 6.70 4.30 19.00 3.50 5% of companies available to employees who were connected to the ICT systems of the company through telematic networks external 14.90 13.50 2.90 22.90 6% of companies available ICT personnel performing functions spec Charts 22.00 23.40 22.90 19.70 7 1% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Modem ISDN or traditional (1) 9.40 9.80 9.90 8.50 7 2% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Broadband (fixed or mobile) (1) 97.70 95.10 100.00 100.00 7 3% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Fixed broadband (1) 97.70 95.10 100.00 100.00 7 4% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Fixed broadband DSL (ADSL, SDSL ,...) (1) 97.20 94.30 100.00 99.70 7 5% of businesses connected to the Internet connection type: Broadband Fixed: Other fixed connection (Cable, LMDS ,...) (1) 14.40 13.30 20.60 12.80 7 6% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broad Band (1) 45.60 42.10 47.00 49.50 7 7% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using a 3G modem (1) 30.60 28.90 40.70 28.00 7 8% of enterprises with Internet connection type: ó Telefon am vile Broadband: Using 3G mobile (1) 40.00 36.70 35.60 46.50 7 9% of enterprises with Internet connection type: Other mobile connections (1) 23.30 21.90 20.30 26.60 8 1% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: below 2 Mb / sec (1) 2.30 4.90 0.00 0.00 8.2% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 2 Mb / sec. And less than 10 Mb / sec (1) 63.70 66.60 51.30 66.00 8.3% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 10 Mb / sec. And less than 30 Mb / sec (1) 27.10 20.20 46.80 26.60 8.4% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: Greater than or equal to 30 Mb / sec. And less than 100 Mb / sec (1) 3.70 4.20 0.00 4.90 8.5% of companies whose top speed was contracted down: 100 Mb / sec. Or more (1) 3.20 4.10 1.90 2.50 9 1% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: Search Information (1) 96.70 98.40 91.30 97.30 9.2% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Get bank and financial services (1) 91.20 88.20 100.00 90.80 9.3% of enterprises with Internet connection ó ne, as internet service users, they used to: Training and Learning (1) 50.50 52.70 65.50 39.90 9.4% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: To observe the behavior of the market (1) 46.90 48.70 56.30 39.90 9.5% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it to: Get after-sales / presales (1) 43.90 41.00 43.70 48.00 9.6% of enterprises with Internet connection, as users of Internet services, used it for: As a platform of communication (email, VoIP, ...) (1) 91.00 89.20 98.60 89.80 10% of companies in 2010 interacted with the public administration through Internet (1) 90.50 90.10 100.00 86.20 10.1 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get information (1) 71.00 73.20 80.50 63.20 10.2 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Get forms or forms (1) 79.70 79.80 94.40 72.30 10.3 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Return completed forms (1) 75.30 83.20 62.60 71.00 10.4 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Gestion full electronica (1) 63.40 69.20 51.60 61.30 10.5 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: Access to documentation and specification of electronic contracts of AA PP (1) 23.00 11.70 55.40 22.10 10.6 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in Spain (1) 2.90 1.70 4.60 3.80 10.7 Reasons to interact with Public Administration: To present a business proposal for bids (e-tendering) in the other countries of the European Union (1) 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.00 January 11% companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were doubts about the security and confidentiality of information (2) 11.50 21.80 0.00 10.80 11.2% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: electronic procedures are too complicated or too long (2) 27.40 29.70 0.00 43.10 11.3% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the AAPP were: Nicos ó electronic procedures to require todav exchange of information by regular mail or personal visits (2) 28.20 19.80 23.20 38.00 11.4% of companies whose motives for not returning completed forms electronically to the general government were: the possibility of not know the limits of electronic tr (2) 16.20 13.80 0.00 28.30 January 12% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: Declaration of social contributions for employees (3) 77.20 76.10 89.70 73.40 12.2% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of corporation tax (3) 95.90 96.90 100.00 92.40 12.3% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of VAT (3) 99.00 99.10 100.00 98.40 12.4% of companies who used the Internet to process any of the following administrative procedures electronically: n ó Declaration of customs duties (3) 28.00 38.70 5.10 21.00 13% of enterprises with Internet connection and website / web page (1) 66.50 73.10 63.90 58.90 13.1 Purposes of the page: Presentation of the company (4) 93.20 95.80 90.20 90.40 13.2 Purposes of the page: privacy policy statement or certification regarding the web site security (4) 52.10 55.00 42.20 52.60 13.3 Purposes of the page: Access to product catalogs or price lists (4) 58.70 70.40 26.50 56.40 13.4 Purposes of the page: Ability to customize or design products by clients (4) 4.00 3.40 0.00 7.20 13.5 Purposes of the page: Ordering or online reservations (4) 12.50 14.00 5.00 13.80 13.6 Purposes of the page: Online Payments (4) 3.70 1.50 0.00 9.30 13.7 Purposes of the page: Online order tracking (4) 5.60 2.50 0.00 13.90 13.8 Purposes of the page: Customization of the website for regular users (4) 6.40 9.20 0.00 5.00 13.9 Purposes of the page: Announcements of job or receiving job applications online (4) 15.50 12.30 17.40 19.80 14% of companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (1) 70.20 78.00 67.00 61.20 January 15% of companies that use digital signatures to: Interact with customers and / or suppliers (5) 12.20 15.00 9.50 8.90 15.2% of companies that use digital signatures to: Relating to Public Administration (5) 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 16% of companies that conducted electronic exchange of data between companies suitable for processing by automated 35.80 34.50 45.10 32.60 16.1% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information about products (eg cat logos, price lists ...) (6) 57.20 50.90 55.40 67.20 16.2% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env or payment instructions to banks (6) 77.80 70.50 79.30 86.90 16.3% of companies that made electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Env reception oo ó n ó n on env documentation or transportation or delivery (eg delivery notes ...) (6) 60.30 63.80 48.90 63.30 16.4% of companies that conducted electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing by: Sending or receiving information from the Public Sector (eg devoluci ó n tax, import tax INFORMATION ... ó n) (6) 69.80 77.80 62.70 63.50 17% of companies that send electronic invoices, 37.00 37.30 45.70 32.00 17.1% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: A standard format suitable for automatic processing (7) 14.90 20.90 0.00 16.30 17.2% of companies that send electronic invoices in the format: not suitable for automatic processing (7) 93.80 89.70 100.00 95.50 18% of companies that received electronic invoices in a format that allows standard est automatic processing 20.20 24.10 10.50 20.00 January 19% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 28.20 34.20 19.80 24.50 19.2% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 31.90 33.10 40.20 26.00 19.3% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A production management, 27.90 34.80 25.90 19.90 19.4% of firms receiving an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: A distribution management, 23.50 28.60 16.30 20.30 20 1% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: The management of stocks 27.60 33.00 23.70 22.40 20.2% of companies sending an order, the information relevant to the order came automatically: In accounting, 29.10 26.70 39.70 26.80 21 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools, 3.30 2.80 1.30 5.10 21.1 Use of Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies that use radio frequency identification tools for: Personal Identification and Access Control (8) 43.10 49.40 0.00 44.00 21.2 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: As part of the Production Process control ó n ó n MANAGERIAL service perfor ó n (8 ) 36.20 74.50 100.00 0.00 21.3 Using Tecnolog as radio frequency identification (RFID):% of companies use instruments of identification by radio frequency to ó n: n ó For product identifi (prevention of forgery, theft control ...) (8) 39.50 23.90 0.00 56.00 22 Use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact, 68.00 68.30 78.20 62.50 22.1 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reduce consumption of paper (printed or photocopied) (9) 83.90 78.40 95.30 84.40 22.2 ICT use and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Reducing energy consumption of ICT equipment (9) 86.40 90.40 73.70 88.60 22.3 The use of ICT and environmental impact:% of companies that included some kind of measure to reduce environmental impact: Encourage the use of v at tel meetings, phone, web or video conferencing to avoid displacement. Physico staff (9 ) 28.20 29.20 10.10 38.30 23% of companies have installed some application of technology to reduce energy consumption at your business 21.80 26.30 12.40 20.70 24% of empresass that provides remote access to email, working papers and applications to their employees, 26.40 24.80 17.70 33.00 25.1 ICT training in 2010:% of companies that provided training in ICT activities to their employees, 15.00 15.60 17.80 12.70 25.2 ICT training in 2010:% of employees received training in TIC10 (10) 18.60 14.10 16.50 38.50 Notes: 1) (1) Percentage of total companies with Internet connection (2) Percentage of total number of companies who did not return completed forms to the Public Administration (3) Percentage of total companies to return completed forms to an Public Administration (4) Percentage of total companies with Internet connection to web page p (5) Percentage of total companies that use digital signatures in any communication sent from your company (6) Percentage of total companies engaged in electronic data exchange, suitable for automatic processing (7) Percentage of total companies that send electronic invoices (8) Percentage of total business tool that used radio frequency identifi ó n (9) Percentage of total companies that included some kind of measure to reduce the environmental impact (10) Percentage of companies that made staff training in ICT Source: National Statistics Institute