Libraries Statistics Results by Autonomous City and Community Number of document registrations carried out over the year by libraries by Autonomous City and Community and type of collection. Units: number of document registrations Books and leaflets (volumes) Manuscripts and documents (volumes) Sound files (units) Audiovisual documents (units) Electronic documents (units) Microforms (units) Cartographic documents (units) Printed music documents (units) Graphic documents (units) Games (units) Data base, applications and other electronic documents (units) Other documents (units) National total 4,698,205 1,459,176 123,498 222,832 447,410 10,920 17,299 79,585 416,259 2,522 466,065 139,971 Andalucía 546,218 192,386 559 8,591 37,721 394 1,946 2,165 15,171 154 86,893 3,068 Aragón 142,787 40,100 10,167 2,486 10,210 2,901 87 654 38,891 5 55 3,527 Asturias, Principado de 70,907 316 3,761 1,280 6,459 0 116 1,122 4,889 10 1,485 6,897 Balears, Illes 80,595 65 5,884 3,374 9,285 0 99 81 80,021 23 71 715 Canarias 123,292 43,318 3,378 2,491 5,657 3 70 15,574 230 66 749 668 Cantabria 62,334 19,555 79 654 7,418 0 1,215 15 1,466 30 353 0 Castilla y León 367,334 32,274 30 5,700 35,571 4,892 2,325 1,735 2,718 381 2,137 682 Castilla - La Mancha 208,027 2,991 785 2,923 20,799 0 123 101 2,825 233 287 215 Cataluña 1,008,861 143,948 46,404 49,261 129,356 156 4,689 8,059 64,427 419 11,755 21,435 Comunitat Valenciana 403,273 189,808 85 7,112 30,086 755 457 724 38,210 173 1,758 2,964 Extremadura 83,520 27,177 100 697 4,809 10 35 14 5,350 121 538 140 Galicia 278,202 59,908 2,015 3,608 16,118 6 167 212 7,805 121 8,250 2,805 Madrid, Comunidad de 825,998 554,939 48,591 117,862 74,757 1,765 5,066 46,569 141,568 232 332,860 77,371 Murcia, Región de 99,250 13,783 377 4,949 9,207 36 156 543 717 411 785 23 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 94,028 76,674 68 2,916 8,954 2 74 218 55 26 17,449 1,339 País Vasco 258,139 49,758 1,215 6,269 37,727 0 658 1,236 10,877 107 637 18,109 Rioja, La 33,037 12,161 0 1,739 2,158 0 16 563 1,035 10 2 13 Ceuta 10,422 15 0 900 1,054 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Melilla 1,981 0 0 20 64 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute