Lifestyles and preventive practices. Absolute figures Reason for the last pap smear, by Autonomous Community. Women aged 20 years old and over who have had a pap smear at some point in time Units: thousands of persons Total Experienced discomfort Was referred by the general practitioner Went to see the gynaecologist Was given an appointment from the Autonomous Community or municipal council for an early cancer detection programme Other reasons No data recorded Total 12,246.1 849.6 564.4 9,087.3 541.8 1,056.3 146.6 Andalucía 1,861.1 164.7 164.1 1,246.2 101.3 183.8 1.0 Aragón 363.9 24.7 40.7 251.2 16.2 30.4 0.6 Asturias (Principado de) 319.3 17.2 11.4 168.0 101.1 21.1 0.4 Balears (Illes) 305.4 21.0 3.8 263.6 4.5 12.4 0.0 Canarias 634.2 34.6 15.0 552.7 3.4 28.4 0.0 Cantabria 151.3 8.5 14.2 113.2 2.5 12.9 0.0 Castilla y León 684.9 51.8 57.4 356.5 115.3 103.9 0.0 Castilla-La Mancha 469.2 31.1 20.1 325.0 8.3 84.6 0.0 Cataluña 1,967.5 133.0 35.9 1,497.8 35.6 157.2 108.0 Comunitat Valenciana 1,307.9 113.7 40.5 978.8 73.2 97.8 4.0 Extremadura 237.2 27.9 5.3 173.3 0.0 29.6 1.1 Galicia 769.4 56.6 19.0 649.4 1.9 41.4 1.3 Madrid (Comunidad de) 1,872.5 76.6 105.1 1,486.9 20.9 168.1 14.9 Murcia (Región de) 343.0 26.0 18.9 258.7 10.7 27.8 0.9 Navarra (Comunidad Foral de) 180.1 17.6 2.0 130.6 15.7 14.2 0.0 País Vasco 675.2 38.2 6.2 561.6 21.4 33.6 14.1 Rioja (La) 75.5 1.7 2.2 58.0 9.5 4.1 0.0 Ceuta and Melilla 28.6 4.5 2.7 15.8 0.2 5.1 0.3 Notes: The symbol '.' shall be deemed as data which cannot be provided since it may be affected by sampling errors. The symbol '..' shall be deemed as data which is not collected. The symbol '...' shall be deemed as an 'error of division by zero'. Source: Ministry of Health and Consumption and INE