State of health and chronic illnesses Chronic or long-term-evolutoin problems or illnesses in the last 12 months, by sex and age group. Population aged 16 years old and over Units: percentages Hypertension Myocardial infarction Other heart diseases Varicose veins in the legs Arthrosis, arthritis or rheumatism Chronic back pain (neck) Chronic back pain (lower back) Chronic allergy Asthma Chronic bronchitis Diabetes Stomach or duodenum ulcer Urinary incontinence High cholesterol Cataract Chronic skin problems Chronic constipation Depression, anxiety or other mental disorders Embolism Migraine or frequent headaches Haemorroids Malignant tumours Osteoporosis Anaemia Thyroid problems Prostate problems Menopause problems Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No BOTH SEXES Total 100.00 18.89 81.11 100.00 0.99 99.01 100.00 4.26 95.74 100.00 16.78 83.22 100.00 21.66 78.34 100.00 23.64 76.36 100.00 24.01 75.99 100.00 11.62 88.38 100.00 4.60 95.40 100.00 4.01 95.99 100.00 6.03 93.97 100.00 3.61 96.39 100.00 4.42 95.58 100.00 14.20 85.80 100.00 5.13 94.87 100.00 5.90 94.10 100.00 7.30 92.70 100.00 13.75 86.25 100.00 0.70 99.30 100.00 14.50 85.50 100.00 8.21 91.79 100.00 1.24 98.76 100.00 4.88 95.12 100.00 4.59 95.41 100.00 3.35 96.65 100.00 2.88 97.12 100.00 2.82 97.18 From 16 to 24 years old 100.00 1.89 98.11 100.00 0.02 99.98 100.00 0.67 99.33 100.00 4.35 95.65 100.00 1.01 98.99 100.00 10.64 89.36 100.00 11.97 88.03 100.00 14.47 85.53 100.00 5.17 94.83 100.00 1.92 98.08 100.00 0.34 99.66 100.00 0.56 99.44 100.00 0.37 99.63 100.00 1.64 98.36 100.00 0.20 99.80 100.00 4.10 95.90 100.00 3.05 96.95 100.00 4.88 95.12 100.00 0.15 99.85 100.00 10.71 89.29 100.00 1.38 98.62 100.00 0.16 99.84 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 3.34 96.66 100.00 1.17 98.83 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.26 99.74 From 25 to 34 years old 100.00 4.00 96.00 100.00 0.01 99.99 100.00 0.76 99.24 100.00 9.95 90.05 100.00 3.59 96.41 100.00 16.62 83.38 100.00 16.29 83.71 100.00 13.98 86.02 100.00 4.68 95.32 100.00 1.65 98.35 100.00 0.97 99.03 100.00 1.78 98.22 100.00 0.34 99.66 100.00 3.74 96.26 100.00 0.39 99.61 100.00 4.38 95.62 100.00 3.88 96.12 100.00 8.32 91.68 100.00 0.28 99.72 100.00 14.17 85.83 100.00 4.78 95.22 100.00 0.33 99.67 100.00 0.25 99.75 100.00 3.71 96.29 100.00 1.47 98.53 100.00 0.09 99.91 100.00 0.29 99.71 From 35 to 44 years old 100.00 7.58 92.42 100.00 0.17 99.83 100.00 1.20 98.80 100.00 14.89 85.11 100.00 8.95 91.05 100.00 21.92 78.08 100.00 23.40 76.60 100.00 12.38 87.62 100.00 3.05 96.95 100.00 1.94 98.06 100.00 1.22 98.78 100.00 2.83 97.17 100.00 1.89 98.11 100.00 9.34 90.66 100.00 0.90 99.10 100.00 5.77 94.23 100.00 5.36 94.64 100.00 11.87 88.13 100.00 0.20 99.80 100.00 17.01 82.99 100.00 8.13 91.87 100.00 0.50 99.50 100.00 0.67 99.33 100.00 4.81 95.19 100.00 2.98 97.02 100.00 0.25 99.75 100.00 1.82 98.18 From 45 to 54 years old 100.00 17.44 82.56 100.00 0.83 99.17 100.00 2.43 97.57 100.00 19.29 80.71 100.00 21.09 78.91 100.00 28.18 71.82 100.00 28.20 71.80 100.00 9.87 90.13 100.00 3.41 96.59 100.00 2.75 97.25 100.00 4.58 95.42 100.00 4.61 95.39 100.00 2.96 97.04 100.00 16.99 83.01 100.00 1.31 98.69 100.00 6.04 93.96 100.00 7.26 92.74 100.00 16.47 83.53 100.00 0.42 99.58 100.00 16.90 83.10 100.00 10.45 89.55 100.00 1.16 98.84 100.00 3.23 96.77 100.00 6.18 93.82 100.00 4.58 95.42 100.00 0.72 99.28 100.00 9.57 90.43 From 55 to 64 years old 100.00 33.85 66.15 100.00 1.53 98.47 100.00 5.32 94.68 100.00 25.20 74.80 100.00 40.60 59.40 100.00 32.95 67.05 100.00 32.20 67.80 100.00 11.02 88.98 100.00 4.20 95.80 100.00 5.65 94.35 100.00 11.04 88.96 100.00 6.03 93.97 100.00 6.12 93.88 100.00 27.95 72.05 100.00 5.13 94.87 100.00 6.60 93.40 100.00 9.38 90.62 100.00 20.26 79.74 100.00 0.71 99.29 100.00 15.22 84.78 100.00 12.22 87.78 100.00 2.53 97.47 100.00 10.18 89.82 100.00 3.52 96.48 100.00 5.62 94.38 100.00 4.66 95.34 100.00 5.58 94.42 From 65 to 74 years old 100.00 46.93 53.07 100.00 2.42 97.58 100.00 10.89 89.11 100.00 27.24 72.76 100.00 52.49 47.51 100.00 32.62 67.38 100.00 31.61 68.39 100.00 8.49 91.51 100.00 6.11 93.89 100.00 8.07 91.93 100.00 17.02 82.98 100.00 5.75 94.25 100.00 10.14 89.86 100.00 30.95 69.05 100.00 16.15 83.85 100.00 8.05 91.95 100.00 11.30 88.70 100.00 20.13 79.87 100.00 1.59 98.41 100.00 13.12 86.88 100.00 12.40 87.60 100.00 3.31 96.69 100.00 15.10 84.90 100.00 3.81 96.19 100.00 4.67 95.33 100.00 9.21 90.79 100.00 1.36 98.64 From 75 years old and over 100.00 49.54 50.46 100.00 4.13 95.87 100.00 17.69 82.31 100.00 25.22 74.78 100.00 57.18 42.82 100.00 29.90 70.10 100.00 31.77 68.23 100.00 8.22 91.78 100.00 7.82 92.18 100.00 11.81 88.19 100.00 18.43 81.57 100.00 6.06 93.94 100.00 18.14 81.86 100.00 22.25 77.75 100.00 25.60 74.40 100.00 8.41 91.59 100.00 17.48 82.52 100.00 21.06 78.94 100.00 2.96 97.04 100.00 11.54 88.46 100.00 11.14 88.86 100.00 2.37 97.63 100.00 14.82 85.18 100.00 7.34 92.66 100.00 4.50 95.50 100.00 12.71 87.29 100.00 0.27 99.73 MALES Total 100.00 17.17 82.83 100.00 1.36 98.64 100.00 3.63 96.37 100.00 6.98 93.02 100.00 13.99 86.01 100.00 15.51 84.49 100.00 19.00 81.00 100.00 10.03 89.97 100.00 4.13 95.87 100.00 4.38 95.62 100.00 6.22 93.78 100.00 3.63 96.37 100.00 3.08 96.92 100.00 13.87 86.13 100.00 3.78 96.22 100.00 5.46 94.54 100.00 3.16 96.84 100.00 8.17 91.83 100.00 0.68 99.32 100.00 8.30 91.70 100.00 6.01 93.99 100.00 1.25 98.75 100.00 1.28 98.72 100.00 1.28 98.72 100.00 0.72 99.28 100.00 5.88 94.12 100.00 .. .. From 16 to 24 years old 100.00 0.89 99.11 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.54 99.46 100.00 0.99 99.01 100.00 0.47 99.53 100.00 4.91 95.09 100.00 8.09 91.91 100.00 13.55 86.45 100.00 4.95 95.05 100.00 1.29 98.71 100.00 0.21 99.79 100.00 0.30 99.70 100.00 0.10 99.90 100.00 0.84 99.16 100.00 0.10 99.90 100.00 3.35 96.65 100.00 0.27 99.73 100.00 2.64 97.36 100.00 0.07 99.93 100.00 5.78 94.22 100.00 1.15 98.85 100.00 0.21 99.79 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.70 99.30 100.00 0.36 99.64 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 .. .. From 25 to 34 years old 100.00 4.45 95.55 100.00 0.02 99.98 100.00 0.42 99.58 100.00 2.35 97.65 100.00 2.46 97.54 100.00 10.83 89.17 100.00 13.91 86.09 100.00 13.44 86.56 100.00 4.17 95.83 100.00 1.38 98.62 100.00 1.06 98.94 100.00 1.86 98.14 100.00 0.11 99.89 100.00 4.10 95.90 100.00 0.60 99.40 100.00 3.48 96.52 100.00 1.12 98.88 100.00 6.23 93.77 100.00 0.25 99.75 100.00 8.95 91.05 100.00 2.91 97.09 100.00 0.22 99.78 100.00 0.37 99.63 100.00 0.92 99.08 100.00 0.66 99.34 100.00 0.18 99.82 100.00 .. .. From 35 to 44 years old 100.00 8.73 91.27 100.00 0.22 99.78 100.00 0.82 99.18 100.00 5.35 94.65 100.00 6.39 93.61 100.00 15.23 84.77 100.00 20.53 79.47 100.00 10.28 89.72 100.00 2.31 97.69 100.00 1.77 98.23 100.00 1.06 98.94 100.00 3.07 96.93 100.00 1.20 98.80 100.00 12.21 87.79 100.00 1.16 98.84 100.00 4.56 95.44 100.00 1.75 98.25 100.00 8.08 91.92 100.00 0.20 99.80 100.00 9.75 90.25 100.00 5.82 94.18 100.00 0.33 99.67 100.00 0.26 99.74 100.00 0.55 99.45 100.00 0.36 99.64 100.00 0.49 99.51 100.00 .. .. From 45 to 54 years old 100.00 18.83 81.17 100.00 1.31 98.69 100.00 1.83 98.17 100.00 8.26 91.74 100.00 13.85 86.15 100.00 20.08 79.92 100.00 24.56 75.44 100.00 7.43 92.57 100.00 2.72 97.28 100.00 2.56 97.44 100.00 5.77 94.23 100.00 4.90 95.10 100.00 1.12 98.88 100.00 19.19 80.81 100.00 1.16 98.84 100.00 5.57 94.43 100.00 2.22 97.78 100.00 9.43 90.57 100.00 0.16 99.84 100.00 8.27 91.73 100.00 7.77 92.23 100.00 0.92 99.08 100.00 0.86 99.14 100.00 0.81 99.19 100.00 0.77 99.23 100.00 1.45 98.55 100.00 .. .. From 55 to 64 years old 100.00 34.85 65.15 100.00 2.63 97.37 100.00 5.37 94.63 100.00 12.89 87.11 100.00 27.55 72.45 100.00 23.22 76.78 100.00 26.80 73.20 100.00 8.44 91.56 100.00 3.87 96.13 100.00 7.08 92.92 100.00 13.84 86.16 100.00 6.66 93.34 100.00 5.12 94.88 100.00 27.27 72.73 100.00 4.24 95.76 100.00 7.30 92.70 100.00 3.79 96.21 100.00 12.32 87.68 100.00 0.95 99.05 100.00 8.87 91.13 100.00 9.34 90.66 100.00 2.82 97.18 100.00 2.52 97.48 100.00 1.64 98.36 100.00 0.94 99.06 100.00 9.64 90.36 100.00 .. .. From 65 to 74 years old 100.00 40.28 59.72 100.00 3.19 96.81 100.00 10.65 89.35 100.00 13.80 86.20 100.00 36.16 63.84 100.00 20.17 79.83 100.00 20.22 79.78 100.00 6.07 93.93 100.00 5.58 94.42 100.00 10.53 89.47 100.00 19.04 80.96 100.00 5.44 94.56 100.00 8.24 91.76 100.00 28.17 71.83 100.00 12.16 87.84 100.00 8.82 91.18 100.00 6.54 93.46 100.00 10.29 89.71 100.00 2.08 97.92 100.00 7.75 92.25 100.00 10.39 89.61 100.00 3.69 96.31 100.00 3.51 96.49 100.00 1.77 98.23 100.00 1.14 98.86 100.00 21.20 78.80 100.00 .. .. From 75 years old and over 100.00 42.56 57.44 100.00 6.19 93.81 100.00 17.62 82.38 100.00 13.84 86.16 100.00 40.68 59.32 100.00 19.69 80.31 100.00 21.96 78.04 100.00 6.59 93.41 100.00 8.95 91.05 100.00 16.77 83.23 100.00 17.49 82.51 100.00 5.93 94.07 100.00 15.92 84.08 100.00 17.76 82.24 100.00 20.36 79.64 100.00 9.67 90.33 100.00 14.32 85.68 100.00 11.24 88.76 100.00 3.14 96.86 100.00 6.80 93.20 100.00 9.06 90.94 100.00 3.51 96.49 100.00 4.85 95.15 100.00 4.90 95.10 100.00 1.45 98.55 100.00 30.65 69.35 100.00 .. .. FEMALES Total 100.00 20.55 79.45 100.00 0.63 99.37 100.00 4.86 95.14 100.00 26.22 73.78 100.00 29.05 70.95 100.00 31.47 68.53 100.00 28.83 71.17 100.00 13.15 86.85 100.00 5.05 94.95 100.00 3.66 96.34 100.00 5.85 94.15 100.00 3.60 96.40 100.00 5.71 94.29 100.00 14.52 85.48 100.00 6.43 93.57 100.00 6.32 93.68 100.00 11.27 88.73 100.00 19.12 80.88 100.00 0.73 99.27 100.00 20.48 79.52 100.00 10.32 89.68 100.00 1.24 98.76 100.00 8.34 91.66 100.00 7.77 92.23 100.00 5.87 94.13 100.00 .. .. 100.00 5.56 94.44 From 16 to 24 years old 100.00 2.94 97.06 100.00 0.04 99.96 100.00 0.81 99.19 100.00 7.88 92.12 100.00 1.58 98.42 100.00 16.65 83.35 100.00 16.05 83.95 100.00 15.43 84.57 100.00 5.40 94.60 100.00 2.59 97.41 100.00 0.47 99.53 100.00 0.83 99.17 100.00 0.66 99.34 100.00 2.49 97.51 100.00 0.31 99.69 100.00 4.89 95.11 100.00 5.96 94.04 100.00 7.22 92.78 100.00 0.23 99.77 100.00 15.88 84.12 100.00 1.61 98.39 100.00 0.11 99.89 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 6.10 93.90 100.00 2.03 97.97 100.00 .. .. 100.00 0.54 99.46 From 25 to 34 years old 100.00 3.52 96.48 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1.11 98.89 100.00 18.12 81.88 100.00 4.81 95.19 100.00 22.85 77.15 100.00 18.86 81.14 100.00 14.57 85.43 100.00 5.22 94.78 100.00 1.95 98.05 100.00 0.87 99.13 100.00 1.69 98.31 100.00 0.58 99.42 100.00 3.36 96.64 100.00 0.17 99.83 100.00 5.33 94.67 100.00 6.84 93.16 100.00 10.57 89.43 100.00 0.31 99.69 100.00 19.79 80.21 100.00 6.79 93.21 100.00 0.45 99.55 100.00 0.12 99.88 100.00 6.70 93.30 100.00 2.34 97.66 100.00 .. .. 100.00 0.60 99.40 From 35 to 44 years old 100.00 6.38 93.62 100.00 0.11 99.89 100.00 1.59 98.41 100.00 24.78 75.22 100.00 11.61 88.39 100.00 28.85 71.15 100.00 26.38 73.62 100.00 14.57 85.43 100.00 3.82 96.18 100.00 2.12 97.88 100.00 1.39 98.61 100.00 2.58 97.42 100.00 2.59 97.41 100.00 6.36 93.64 100.00 0.64 99.36 100.00 7.03 92.97 100.00 9.10 90.90 100.00 15.82 84.18 100.00 0.19 99.81 100.00 24.54 75.46 100.00 10.53 89.47 100.00 0.67 99.33 100.00 1.09 98.91 100.00 9.23 90.77 100.00 5.69 94.31 100.00 .. .. 100.00 3.72 96.28 From 45 to 54 years old 100.00 16.07 83.93 100.00 0.35 99.65 100.00 3.03 96.97 100.00 30.18 69.82 100.00 28.24 71.76 100.00 36.20 63.80 100.00 31.79 68.21 100.00 12.28 87.72 100.00 4.09 95.91 100.00 2.94 97.06 100.00 3.41 96.59 100.00 4.32 95.68 100.00 4.77 95.23 100.00 14.84 85.16 100.00 1.45 98.55 100.00 6.50 93.50 100.00 12.24 87.76 100.00 23.42 76.58 100.00 0.68 99.32 100.00 25.42 74.58 100.00 13.10 86.90 100.00 1.39 98.61 100.00 5.56 94.44 100.00 11.49 88.51 100.00 8.34 91.66 100.00 .. .. 100.00 19.10 80.90 From 55 to 64 years old 100.00 32.91 67.09 100.00 0.49 99.51 100.00 5.27 94.73 100.00 36.81 63.19 100.00 52.95 47.05 100.00 42.13 57.87 100.00 37.30 62.70 100.00 13.45 86.55 100.00 4.52 95.48 100.00 4.30 95.70 100.00 8.40 91.60 100.00 5.44 94.56 100.00 7.07 92.93 100.00 28.60 71.40 100.00 5.97 94.03 100.00 5.93 94.07 100.00 14.66 85.34 100.00 27.72 72.28 100.00 0.48 99.52 100.00 21.23 78.77 100.00 14.94 85.06 100.00 2.26 97.74 100.00 17.41 82.59 100.00 5.29 94.71 100.00 10.04 89.96 100.00 .. .. 100.00 10.89 89.11 From 65 to 74 years old 100.00 52.02 47.98 100.00 1.83 98.17 100.00 11.07 88.93 100.00 37.66 62.34 100.00 65.14 34.86 100.00 42.29 57.71 100.00 40.45 59.55 100.00 10.37 89.63 100.00 6.52 93.48 100.00 6.18 93.82 100.00 15.47 84.53 100.00 6.00 94.00 100.00 11.61 88.39 100.00 33.10 66.90 100.00 19.24 80.76 100.00 7.46 92.54 100.00 14.98 85.02 100.00 27.74 72.26 100.00 1.21 98.79 100.00 17.28 82.72 100.00 13.97 86.03 100.00 3.02 96.98 100.00 24.09 75.91 100.00 5.39 94.61 100.00 7.39 92.61 100.00 .. .. 100.00 2.41 97.59 From 75 years old and over 100.00 54.52 45.48 100.00 2.66 97.34 100.00 17.73 82.27 100.00 33.32 66.68 100.00 68.89 31.11 100.00 37.15 62.85 100.00 38.75 61.25 100.00 9.38 90.62 100.00 7.01 92.99 100.00 8.29 91.71 100.00 19.10 80.90 100.00 6.14 93.86 100.00 19.73 80.27 100.00 25.45 74.55 100.00 29.33 70.67 100.00 7.51 92.49 100.00 19.73 80.27 100.00 28.08 71.92 100.00 2.84 97.16 100.00 14.93 85.07 100.00 12.63 87.37 100.00 1.55 98.45 100.00 21.92 78.08 100.00 9.09 90.91 100.00 6.67 93.33 100.00 .. .. 100.00 0.46 99.54 Notes: 1) It refers to the last 12 months The symbol '.' shall be deemed as data which cannot be provided since it may be affected by sampling errors. The symbol '..' shall be deemed as data which is not collected. The symbol '...' shall be deemed as an 'error of division by zero'. Source: Ministry of Health and Consumption and INE