Use of health services and consumption of medicine. Relative figures Type of hospital admission in the last 12 months by sex and social class of the main breadwinner. Population which has been hospitalised in the last 12 months Units: percentages Total By emergency service Ordinary admission (not by accident and emergency) BOTH SEXES Total 100.00 57.83 42.17 I: Executives of Public Administrations and of companies with 10 or more employees, and professions associated with university degrees 100.00 55.94 44.06 II: Executives of companies with fewer than 10 employees, and professions associated with intermediate degrees. Advanced technicians. Artists and Sportspersons 100.00 49.38 50.62 III: Administrative type employees and Administrative and financial support professionals. Personal services and Security workers. Freelance workers. Supervisors of manual workers 100.00 58.30 41.70 IVa: Skilled manual workers 100.00 59.32 40.68 IVb: Semi-skilled manual workers 100.00 55.18 44.82 V: Unskilled workers 100.00 63.24 36.76 No data recorded 100.00 57.20 42.80 MALES Total 100.00 56.03 43.97 I: Executives of Public Administrations and of companies with 10 or more employees, and professions associated with university degrees 100.00 50.61 49.39 II: Executives of companies with fewer than 10 employees, and professions associated with intermediate degrees. Advanced technicians. Artists and Sportspersons 100.00 49.58 50.42 III: Administrative type employees and Administrative and financial support professionals. Personal services and Security workers. Freelance workers. Supervisors of manual workers 100.00 56.90 43.10 IVa: Skilled manual workers 100.00 56.95 43.05 IVb: Semi-skilled manual workers 100.00 51.59 48.41 V: Unskilled workers 100.00 63.15 36.85 No data recorded 100.00 60.89 39.11 FEMALES Total 100.00 59.28 40.72 I: Executives of Public Administrations and of companies with 10 or more employees, and professions associated with university degrees 100.00 59.43 40.57 II: Executives of companies with fewer than 10 employees, and professions associated with intermediate degrees. Advanced technicians. Artists and Sportspersons 100.00 49.22 50.78 III: Administrative type employees and Administrative and financial support professionals. Personal services and Security workers. Freelance workers. Supervisors of manual workers 100.00 59.48 40.52 IVa: Skilled manual workers 100.00 61.38 38.62 IVb: Semi-skilled manual workers 100.00 58.06 41.94 V: Unskilled workers 100.00 63.32 36.68 No data recorded 100.00 55.35 44.65 Notes: The symbol '.' shall be deemed as data which cannot be provided since it may be affected by sampling errors. The symbol '..' shall be deemed as data which is not collected. The symbol '...' shall be deemed as an 'error of division by zero'. Source: Ministry of Health and Consumption and INE