Population and Housing Censuses Results for municipalities with 1,000 to 10,000 inhabitants ┴vila: Units by unit type Units: units Total (unit type) Couple without children Couple with children Father with children Mother with children Total 17,796 6,514 9,059 596 1,627 05002 Adrada, La 785 268 407 . 76 05013 Arenal, El 289 132 139 . . 05014 Arenas de San Pedro 2,048 773 1,049 107 119 05016 Arévalo 2,264 680 1,283 . 280 05021 Barco de Ávila, El 716 271 333 . 84 05022 Barraco, El 654 252 318 . 59 05041 Burgohondo 379 200 148 . . 05047 Candeleda 1,603 662 733 . 154 05054 Casavieja 444 187 210 . . 05057 Cebreros 1,034 398 479 . 115 05102 Hoyo de Pinares, El 703 283 350 . 40 05114 Madrigal de las Altas Torres 482 162 239 . 56 05132 Mombeltrán 332 121 157 . 54 05163 Navaluenga 625 277 260 . 57 05168 Navas del Marqués, Las 1,598 501 907 . 138 05186 Piedrahíta 576 231 293 . . 05187 Piedralaves 675 222 327 . 89 05240 Sotillo de la Adrada 1,335 454 733 . 84 05241 Tiemblo, El 1,252 440 693 . 98 Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute