Population and Housing Censuses Valencia/ValŠncia Main dwellings according to facilities of the dwellling Units: main dwellings Total main dwellings Availability of heating in percentage: Group or central Availability of heating in percentage: Single-person Availability of heating in percentage: Does not have heating facilites but does have some device that allows to heat some rooms Availability of heating in percentage: Does not have heating Total main dwellings Availability of washing in percentage: Yes Availability of washing in percentage: No Total main dwellings Availability of bathroom/shower in percentage: Yes Availability of bathroom/shower in percentage: No Total main dwellings Availability of Internet in percentage: Yes Availability of Internet in percentage: No Total main dwellings Availability of running water in percentage: Running water by public supply Availability of running water in percentage: Running water with public or private supply of the building Availability of running water in percentage: Does not have running water Total 496,244 4.10 27.40 55.06 13.44 496,244 99.49 0.51 496,244 99.59 0.41 496,244 51.57 48.43 496,244 96.56 3.30 0.14 46005 Alaquàs 11,528 1.95 26.36 55.42 16.27 11,528 100.00 . 11,528 99.62 . 11,528 53.00 47.00 11,528 98.67 . . 46007 Albal 5,835 . 20.12 58.59 19.09 5,835 99.82 . 5,835 100.00 . 5,835 52.54 47.46 5,835 98.28 . . 46011 Alberic 4,369 3.35 17.60 61.71 17.34 4,369 100.00 . 4,369 99.56 . 4,369 35.03 64.97 4,369 94.37 5.63 . 46013 Alboraya 9,073 7.16 30.77 38.99 23.08 9,073 99.66 . 9,073 99.62 . 9,073 62.30 37.70 9,073 97.13 2.72 . 46019 Alcúdia, l' 4,343 8.59 14.41 66.26 10.75 4,343 100.00 . 4,343 100.00 . 4,343 62.61 37.39 4,343 95.62 4.38 . 46021 Aldaia 12,098 3.92 22.40 57.64 16.04 12,098 99.87 . 12,098 99.94 . 12,098 57.62 42.38 12,098 98.07 1.93 . 46022 Alfafar 8,115 . 32.35 53.67 12.47 8,115 99.68 . 8,115 99.47 . 8,115 46.07 53.93 8,115 95.81 4.19 . 46029 Algemesí 10,848 2.58 25.08 59.88 12.45 10,848 99.59 . 10,848 99.37 . 10,848 47.14 52.86 10,848 95.41 4.40 . 46031 Alginet 5,436 5.57 19.95 59.22 15.26 5,436 98.08 . 5,436 99.55 . 5,436 49.17 50.83 5,436 93.52 6.48 . 46017 Alzira 17,271 3.51 24.13 58.90 13.47 17,271 99.29 . 17,271 99.78 . 17,271 49.98 50.02 17,271 93.78 5.01 1.21 46051 Benaguasil 4,600 6.12 20.21 61.56 12.11 4,600 99.76 . 4,600 99.44 . 4,600 48.68 51.32 4,600 97.98 . . 46054 Benetússer 6,137 2.95 27.29 56.23 13.52 6,137 100.00 . 6,137 99.70 . 6,137 52.07 47.93 6,137 96.93 . . 46060 Benifaió 4,724 8.01 17.54 66.54 7.91 4,724 100.00 . 4,724 99.36 . 4,724 46.93 53.07 4,724 98.54 . . 46070 Bétera 7,905 7.52 45.68 34.66 12.14 7,905 99.85 . 7,905 99.77 . 7,905 60.80 39.20 7,905 96.17 3.83 . 46078 Burjassot 15,037 3.00 20.70 62.57 13.73 15,037 99.17 . 15,037 99.78 . 15,037 56.28 43.72 15,037 97.62 2.38 . 46081 Canals 5,068 3.27 16.21 65.37 15.16 5,068 99.32 . 5,068 100.00 . 5,068 48.74 51.26 5,068 96.74 . . 46083 Carcaixent 8,035 3.95 19.40 66.34 10.31 8,035 99.66 . 8,035 99.51 . 8,035 41.34 58.66 8,035 98.28 . . 46085 Carlet 5,788 3.75 17.62 55.90 22.74 5,788 99.45 . 5,788 99.45 . 5,788 40.01 59.99 5,788 97.36 . . 46094 Catarroja 10,712 3.29 31.03 51.29 14.39 10,712 99.86 . 10,712 99.72 . 10,712 55.64 44.36 10,712 97.33 2.67 . 46111 Chiva 5,775 5.16 37.98 48.73 8.13 5,775 99.36 . 5,775 99.74 . 5,775 55.08 44.92 5,775 90.46 9.54 . 46105 Cullera 9,165 3.94 15.32 61.15 19.59 9,165 100.00 . 9,165 99.71 . 9,165 40.67 59.33 9,165 90.56 9.09 . 46116 Eliana, l' 5,893 8.84 57.69 29.27 4.20 5,893 100.00 . 5,893 99.81 . 5,893 73.07 26.93 5,893 95.37 4.63 . 46131 Gandia 29,646 4.07 22.38 59.58 13.98 29,646 97.55 2.45 29,646 99.73 . 29,646 48.97 51.03 29,646 95.40 4.48 . 46135 Godella 4,654 3.29 43.07 47.60 6.04 4,654 98.81 . 4,654 99.84 . 4,654 66.02 33.98 4,654 98.92 . . 46147 Llíria 8,880 5.48 25.87 56.82 11.83 8,880 99.41 . 8,880 99.74 . 8,880 54.29 45.71 8,880 91.78 7.93 . 46159 Manises 11,704 2.16 24.24 59.56 14.04 11,704 100.00 . 11,704 99.72 . 11,704 51.39 48.61 11,704 97.20 2.80 . 46164 Massamagrell 5,834 2.57 22.03 62.68 12.72 5,834 99.73 . 5,834 99.36 . 5,834 52.12 47.88 5,834 98.26 . . 46166 Meliana 4,245 4.62 29.91 54.98 10.49 4,245 99.77 . 4,245 99.47 . 4,245 56.07 43.93 4,245 96.17 3.66 . 46169 Mislata 17,499 2.10 22.05 63.80 12.04 17,499 99.54 . 17,499 99.19 0.81 17,499 56.57 43.43 17,499 97.42 2.45 . 46171 Moncada 8,112 2.50 26.02 60.01 11.47 8,112 99.63 . 8,112 99.89 . 8,112 54.57 45.43 8,112 98.48 . . 46181 Oliva 10,676 2.79 20.53 60.18 16.49 10,676 98.84 . 10,676 98.66 . 10,676 36.28 63.72 10,676 91.69 7.90 . 46184 Ontinyent 14,189 4.10 22.98 61.10 11.82 14,189 99.58 . 14,189 99.33 . 14,189 43.41 56.59 14,189 97.27 2.61 . 46186 Paiporta 9,708 3.02 29.93 52.69 14.35 9,708 99.73 . 9,708 99.23 . 9,708 52.23 47.77 9,708 97.32 2.68 . 46190 Paterna 25,730 5.14 34.65 47.99 12.23 25,730 99.68 . 25,730 99.69 . 25,730 62.37 37.63 25,730 97.50 2.45 . 46193 Picanya 4,131 . 32.23 52.42 13.29 4,131 99.75 . 4,131 99.77 . 4,131 61.66 38.34 4,131 98.78 . . 46194 Picassent 7,822 5.36 29.07 53.23 12.34 7,822 98.72 . 7,822 99.59 . 7,822 53.46 46.54 7,822 95.18 4.15 . 46202 Pobla de Vallbona, la 8,206 10.70 45.25 30.99 13.07 8,206 99.18 . 8,206 99.47 . 8,206 59.14 40.86 8,206 95.00 4.72 . 46205 Puçol 7,222 4.17 36.85 48.10 10.88 7,222 100.00 . 7,222 99.65 . 7,222 56.14 43.86 7,222 95.25 4.75 . 46102 Quart de Poblet 9,944 . 15.92 69.55 13.43 9,944 99.87 . 9,944 99.83 . 9,944 49.00 51.00 9,944 99.12 . . 46213 Requena 8,031 6.78 65.20 19.64 8.38 8,031 100.00 . 8,031 99.60 . 8,031 41.49 58.51 8,031 98.22 . . 46214 Riba-roja de Túria 7,729 8.19 43.19 35.27 13.36 7,729 99.80 . 7,729 98.90 . 7,729 60.53 39.47 7,729 94.73 5.12 . 46220 Sagunto/Sagunt 27,191 3.55 29.41 54.89 12.15 27,191 99.72 . 27,191 99.74 . 27,191 52.37 47.63 27,191 97.70 2.26 . 46223 Sedaví 3,924 3.66 26.18 57.90 12.26 3,924 100.00 . 3,924 99.51 . 3,924 48.69 51.31 3,924 93.18 6.82 . 46230 Silla 7,347 2.89 25.11 58.79 13.21 7,347 100.00 . 7,347 100.00 . 7,347 48.04 51.96 7,347 98.62 . . 46235 Sueca 11,245 4.06 21.20 60.77 13.97 11,245 99.40 . 11,245 99.73 . 11,245 44.00 56.00 11,245 96.85 3.15 . 46238 Tavernes de la Valldigna 7,199 3.63 18.02 63.46 14.89 7,199 99.83 . 7,199 98.25 . 7,199 41.34 58.66 7,199 98.30 . . 46244 Torrent 29,851 4.92 27.43 53.50 14.15 29,851 99.75 . 29,851 99.64 . 29,851 51.07 48.93 29,851 96.77 3.12 . 46249 Utiel 4,841 4.39 69.00 19.09 7.52 4,841 100.00 . 4,841 100.00 . 4,841 38.28 61.72 4,841 94.67 5.10 . 446145 Xàtiva 11,093 5.21 24.18 56.43 14.18 11,093 99.32 . 11,093 99.53 . 11,093 45.00 55.00 11,093 99.45 . . 46110 Xirivella 11,836 . 16.25 66.76 15.87 11,836 98.91 . 11,836 99.39 . 11,836 50.45 49.55 11,836 99.11 . . Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute