01. Households, persons and average size of the household 01021.px Units: Number Households Persons Average size of the household All occupations 8,890,282 29,458,823 3.31 Management of companies and Public Administration 1,025,807 3,512,352 3.42 Scientific and intellectual technicians and professionals 1,122,134 3,528,846 3.14 Support technicians and professionals 982,271 3,141,957 3.20 Administrative type employees 618,279 1,874,035 3.03 Catering, personal and protection services employees and salespersons 802,186 2,457,758 3.06 Workers skilled in agriculture and fishing 342,381 1,246,081 3.64 Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction, and mining industries 1,908,197 6,714,304 3.52 Operators and fitters of fixed machinery and drivers and operators of mobile machinery 1,117,492 3,807,065 3.41 Unskilled workers 919,121 2,991,146 3.25 Notes: 1) Households with employed main breadwinner. The category 'Main Group 0' (Armed Forces) included in the total, does not appear due to lack of representation Source: National Statistics Institute