02. Total expenditure and average expenditure 02010.px Units: Total expenditure: thousands of euros. Average expenditure: euros total expenditure average expenditure per household average expenditure per person Index on the mean of the average expenditure per person average expenditure per consumer unit variation index of average expenditure by household compared to the previous year variation index of average expenditure by household compared to the base year Total 372,920,436.54 25,085.95 8,651.11 100.00 11,146.82 107.48 120.15 Person alone under 65 years old 15,735,496.08 17,374.95 17,374.95 200.84 17,374.95 110.55 120.09 Person alone aged 65 years old or over 14,442,504.93 12,018.16 12,018.16 138.92 12,018.16 110.48 132.86 Partner without children 65,318,395.19 20,728.65 10,364.33 119.80 12,193.32 106.84 124.53 Couple with 1 child 79,675,456.69 27,697.67 9,232.56 106.72 11,913.77 107.89 124.07 Couple with 2 children 103,328,492.11 31,598.09 7,899.52 91.31 10,852.63 105.80 123.24 Couple with 3 or more children 28,799,406.64 35,506.75 6,803.47 78.64 9,532.07 108.31 115.43 An adult with children 23,524,214.54 22,351.23 8,994.20 103.97 11,192.25 107.68 123.12 Another type of household 42,096,470.36 26,360.55 6,857.95 79.27 9,035.20 108.68 118.80 Notes: 1) 1.The OECD scale has been used to calculate consumer units 2.Base year: 2001 Source: National Statistics Institute