02. Total expenditure and average expenditure 02013.px Units: Total expenditure: thousands of euros. Average expenditure: euros Total expenditure Average expenditure per household Average expenditure per person Index on the mean of the average expenditure per person Average expenditure per consumer unit total 372,920,436.54 25,085.95 8,651.11 100.00 11,146.82 3 or more active persons: main breadwinner, partner and others 31,037,280.45 35,050.44 8,598.96 99.40 11,259.29 2 active persons: main breadwinner and partner 115,072,487.02 31,047.11 9,178.58 106.10 12,473.09 2 or more active persons: main breadwinner or couple and others 47,131,716.89 29,066.02 7,597.98 87.83 9,881.74 1 employed person: main breadwinner or partner 82,702,970.73 24,143.53 8,804.53 101.77 11,449.70 2 or more active persons: others 11,532,516.22 28,593.56 6,589.22 76.17 8,673.16 1 active person: other 22,976,953.27 22,698.04 7,793.55 90.09 9,762.70 no active person 62,466,511.97 16,390.27 9,371.85 108.33 10,775.48 Notes: 1) 1.The OECD scale has been used to calculate consumer units Source: National Statistics Institute