Data relative to electoral census 0303.px Units: municipalities and voters up to 10 11 to 20 21 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 500 over 500 TOTAL number of municipalities Álava 25 14 8 3 . 1 51 Guipúzcoa 28 17 13 9 19 2 88 Vizcaya 24 24 24 16 20 3 111 TOTAL 77 55 45 28 39 6 250 number of voters CARV Álava 151 227 211 235 . 1,781 2,605 Guipúzcoa 147 261 456 602 3,736 6,593 11,795 Vizcaya 153 351 790 1,188 4,704 11,283 18,469 TOTAL 451 839 1,457 2,025 8,440 19,657 32,869 Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute