Data related to electoral census Distribution of number of municipalities and number of CRV voters by type, province of registration and intervals of voters of CRV in municipalities Units: municipalities and voters up to 1000 1001 to 2000 2001 to 5000 5001 to 10000 10001 to 50000 over 50000 TOTAL distribution by number of municipalities TOTAL 47 78 99 41 41 7 313 Coruña, A 2 14 35 24 15 3 93 Lugo 10 22 26 4 4 1 67 Ourense 34 38 12 4 3 1 92 Pontevedra 1 4 26 9 19 2 61 distribution by number of voters of CRV TOTAL 34,176 108,825 327,321 281,297 677,451 805,070 2,234,140 Coruña, A 1,934 18,881 124,815 157,220 290,232 334,852 927,934 Lugo 7,383 31,778 76,855 30,227 50,613 78,508 275,364 Ourense 24,298 52,270 35,733 26,891 32,585 86,047 257,824 Pontevedra 561 5,896 89,918 66,959 304,021 305,663 773,018 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute