Sex Discrimination situation of the adult population Total BOTH SEXES Total 100.00 BOTH SEXES In seeking work 30.04 BOTH SEXES At work 41.27 BOTH SEXES At home (by partner) 8.33 BOTH SEXES At home (by someone who is not their partner) 5.72 BOTH SEXES On receiving health care 11.74 BOTH SEXES In a public place 42.81 MALES Total 100.00 MALES In seeking work 24.60 MALES At work 45.42 MALES At home (by partner) 2.18 MALES At home (by someone who is not their partner) 3.57 MALES On receiving health care 8.83 MALES In a public place 47.98 FEMALES Total 100.00 FEMALES In seeking work 33.51 FEMALES At work 38.63 FEMALES At home (by partner) 12.26 FEMALES At home (by someone who is not their partner) 7.08 FEMALES On receiving health care 13.59 FEMALES In a public place 39.50