Educational level Time elapsed Total TOTAL TOTAL 100.00 TOTAL In the last 2 years 79.79 TOTAL 2 years or more but less than 3 years ago 8.63 TOTAL 3 years ago or more 5.29 TOTAL She had never had a mammography 6.29 Basic and lower TOTAL 100.00 Basic and lower In the last 2 years 78.35 Basic and lower 2 years or more but less than 3 years ago 8.62 Basic and lower 3 years ago or more 5.15 Basic and lower She had never had a mammography 7.89 Medium TOTAL 100.00 Medium In the last 2 years 82.11 Medium 2 years or more but less than 3 years ago 8.68 Medium 3 years ago or more 5.73 Medium She had never had a mammography 3.48 Upper TOTAL 100.00 Upper In the last 2 years 82.50 Upper 2 years or more but less than 3 years ago 8.62 Upper 3 years ago or more 5.34 Upper She had never had a mammography 3.54