Currently number of live births Intention future birth Total Total Total 5,984,356 Total Intend to 2,817,159 Total Do not intend to 3,167,197 None Total 2,147,408 None Intend to 1,928,120 None Do not intend to 219,288 One Total 1,334,607 One Intend to 717,542 One Do not intend to 617,065 Two Total 1,894,725 Two Intend to 157,109 Two Do not intend to 1,737,616 Three Total 481,020 Three Intend to 7,284 Three Do not intend to 473,736 Four Total 72,619 Four Intend to 2,329 Four Do not intend to 70,290 Five and more Total 53,977 Five and more Intend to 4,775 Five and more Do not intend to 49,201 Average Total 1.19 Average Intend to 0.39 Average Do not intend to 1.91