Consular office Data Total TOTAL Voters 139,115 Andorra Voters 397 Vienna Voters 257 Sofia Voters 18 Brussels Voters 8,356 Prague Voters 101 Copenhagen Voters 258 Bayona Voters 194 Helsinki Voters 103 Burdeaux Voters 1,325 Athens Voters 171 Estrasburg Voters 636 Budapest Voters 46 Lyon Voters 1,452 Dublin Voters 989 Marsella Voters 3,056 Luxembourg Voters 419 Montpellier Voters 419 Paris Voters 6,184 Oslo Voters 196 Pau Voters 452 Warsaw Voters 103 Perpiñan Voters 378 Toulouse Voters 600 Bucharest Voters 54 Stockholm Voters 1,052 Moscow Voters 254 Belgrade Voters 40 Genova Voters 332 Milan Voters 800 Naples Voters 263 Rome Voters 1,376 Amsterdam Voters 1,313 Lisbon Voters 1,114 Porto Voters 125 Valenca do Minho Voters 4 Vila Real de Santo Antonio Voters 36 Manchester Voters 951 London Voters 6,506 Hong-Kong Voters 104 Berlin Voters 521 Edinburgh Voters 452 Dusseldorf Voters 2,728 Francfort Voters 2,348 Hamburg Voters 1,235 Hannover Voters 514 Munich Voters 1,888 Stuttgart Voters 1,688 Bern Voters 3,117 Geneva Voters 2,745 Zurich Voters 1,765 Zagreb Voters 28 Kiew Voters 121 Bratislava Voters 30 Ljubljana Voters 11 Sarajevo Voters 17 Nicosia Voters 41 Luanda Voters 5 Oran Voters 54 Algiers Voters 10 Alexandria Voters 79 Yaunde Voters 59 Bata Voters 72 Abidjan Voters 401 Casablanca Voters 118 Cairo Voters 10 Nador Voters 7 Addis-Abeba Voters 177 Tangier Voters 21 Libreville Voters 141 Tetuan Voters 12 Accra Voters 12 Agadir Voters 89 Malabo Voters 7 Larache Voters 42 Nairobi Voters 33 Tripoli Voters 332 Cape Town Voters 218 Rabat Voters 20 Nuakchott Voters 4 Maputo Voters 103 Lagos Voters 21 Dakar Voters 39 Dar-Es-Salam Voters 23 Tunisia Voters 99 Kinshasa Voters 60 Harare Voters 11 Windhoek Voters 21 Toronto Voters 1,148 Ottawa Voters 156 Montreal Voters 1,287 Washington Voters 1,032 Boston Voters 466 San Jose of Costa Rica Voters 860 Chicago Voters 795 San Salvador Voters 231 Houston Voters 742 Guatemala Voters 561 Los Angeles Voters 1,230 Port-AU- Prince Voters 14 Miami Voters 3,822 Tegucigalpa Voters 230 New Orleans Voters 236 Kingston Voters 31 New York Voters 2,528 Managua Voters 267 San Francisco Voters 922 Panama Voters 475 San Juan of Puerto Rico Voters 584 Santo Domingo Voters 2,488 Guadalajara Voters 1,375 La Paz Voters 383 Mexico Voters 5,996 Brasilia Voters 259 Havana Voters 363 Quito Voters 549 Bahia Blanca Voters 2,760 Asuncion Voters 311 Buenos Aires Voters 5,561 Córdoba Voters 936 Mendoza Voters 1,396 Rosario Voters 2,655 Rio de Janeiro Voters 1,175 Sao Paulo Voters 3,076 Porto Alegre Voters 557 Salvador-Bahia Voters 131 Bogota Voters 2,971 Santiago de Chile Voters 7,521 Lima Voters 2,714 Montevideo Voters 1,169 Caracas Voters 8,302 Riadh Voters 69 Manila Voters 626 Pekin Voters 109 Jerusalem Voters 134 Abu Dhabi Voters 94 Istambul Voters 245 New Delhi Voters 70 Tel-Aviv Voters 154 Yakarta Voters 29 Bagdad Voters 4 Teheran Voters 45 Tokio Voters 260 Amman Voters 108 Kuwait Voters 23 Beirut Voters 116 Islamabad Voters 21 Seul Voters 29 Damasco Voters 115 Bangkok Voters 44 Ankara Voters 33 Kuala Lumpur Voters 28 Almaty Voters 13 Hanoi Voters 17 Shangai Voters 56 Camberra Voters 230 Sidney Voters 2,655 Melbourne Voters 1,540