Sex;Size of the municipality;Health services;Degree of satisfaction;Total Both sexes;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;38,442.1 Both sexes;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;6,131.8 Both sexes;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;16,710.9 Both sexes;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;7,999.2 Both sexes;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;3,143.9 Both sexes;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;1,972.0 Both sexes;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;2,484.4 Both sexes;Total;Dentists;Total;38,442.1 Both sexes;Total;Dentists;Very satisfied;6,106.5 Both sexes;Total;Dentists;Quite satisfied;18,749.7 Both sexes;Total;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;5,483.4 Both sexes;Total;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;1,406.1 Both sexes;Total;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;1,735.7 Both sexes;Total;Dentists;No data recorded;4,960.7 Both sexes;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;38,442.1 Both sexes;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;7,212.2 Both sexes;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;19,427.8 Both sexes;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;5,701.3 Both sexes;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;1,497.9 Both sexes;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;974.2 Both sexes;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;3,628.7 Both sexes;Total;General or family doctors;Total;38,442.1 Both sexes;Total;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;10,910.8 Both sexes;Total;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;19,154.3 Both sexes;Total;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;4,686.9 Both sexes;Total;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;1,330.3 Both sexes;Total;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;837.6 Both sexes;Total;General or family doctors;No data recorded;1,522.2 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;7,892.9 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;1,514.2 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;3,569.4 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,458.2 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;545.7 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;365.0 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;440.5 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;7,892.9 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;1,407.9 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;3,907.5 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,050.7 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;216.0 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;271.0 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;1,039.8 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;7,892.9 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;1,662.6 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;4,074.4 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;995.8 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;291.9 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;190.3 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;677.9 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;7,892.9 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;2,288.1 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;4,196.5 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;790.2 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;232.3 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;162.0 Both sexes;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;223.8 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;9,999.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;1,648.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;4,227.1 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,986.6 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;886.6 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;555.8 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;694.9 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;9,999.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;1,683.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;4,834.7 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,279.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;345.1 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;533.6 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;1,323.2 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;9,999.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;1,999.4 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;4,824.9 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,412.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;415.7 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;274.6 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;1,072.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;9,999.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;2,999.1 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;4,762.3 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,208.6 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;339.6 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;267.4 Both sexes;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;422.3 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;4,914.0 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;741.7 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;2,075.6 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,109.0 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;403.7 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;298.7 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;285.4 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;4,914.0 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;713.6 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;2,476.5 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;761.2 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;182.6 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;228.8 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;551.2 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;4,914.0 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;878.2 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;2,484.4 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;848.9 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;163.6 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;124.3 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;414.5 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;4,914.0 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,326.4 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;2,434.3 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;683.1 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;149.3 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;93.7 Both sexes;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;227.2 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;8,442.1 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;1,292.4 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;3,634.0 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,853.5 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;742.4 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;399.3 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;520.5 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;8,442.1 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;1,479.1 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;4,072.8 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,175.3 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;342.6 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;433.7 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;938.5 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;8,442.1 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;1,667.4 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;4,140.6 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,265.3 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;371.6 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;218.0 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;779.2 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;8,442.1 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;2,466.1 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;4,070.0 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,101.0 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;321.3 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;169.1 Both sexes;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;314.6 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;7,193.8 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;935.2 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;3,204.7 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,592.0 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;565.5 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;353.3 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;543.1 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;7,193.8 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;822.6 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;3,458.1 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,216.9 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;319.7 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;268.6 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;1,107.9 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;7,193.8 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;1,004.6 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;3,903.4 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,179.0 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;255.0 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;167.0 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;684.8 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;7,193.8 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,831.1 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;3,691.1 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;903.9 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;287.8 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;145.5 Both sexes;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;334.4 Male;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;18,843.0 Male;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;2,854.3 Male;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;8,315.9 Male;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;3,892.9 Male;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;1,453.2 Male;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;936.6 Male;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;1,390.0 Male;Total;Dentists;Total;18,843.0 Male;Total;Dentists;Very satisfied;2,754.0 Male;Total;Dentists;Quite satisfied;8,984.6 Male;Total;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;2,899.0 Male;Total;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;693.9 Male;Total;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;860.0 Male;Total;Dentists;No data recorded;2,651.5 Male;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;18,843.0 Male;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;3,306.1 Male;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;9,263.2 Male;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;2,911.1 Male;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;647.4 Male;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;405.0 Male;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;2,310.2 Male;Total;General or family doctors;Total;18,843.0 Male;Total;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;4,876.5 Male;Total;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;9,644.2 Male;Total;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;2,393.7 Male;Total;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;600.0 Male;Total;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;369.1 Male;Total;General or family doctors;No data recorded;959.5 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;3,971.2 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;720.3 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;1,852.2 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;728.5 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;223.4 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;197.7 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;249.0 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;3,971.2 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;687.5 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;1,904.7 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;553.4 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;95.7 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;148.0 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;582.0 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;3,971.2 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;787.4 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;1,979.9 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;522.0 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;127.3 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;84.9 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;469.6 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;3,971.2 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,085.8 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;2,104.8 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;430.7 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;115.3 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;89.8 Male;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;144.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;5,002.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;776.1 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;2,186.0 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;920.2 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;444.2 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;278.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;397.6 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;5,002.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;763.1 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;2,368.5 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;668.7 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;182.3 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;271.7 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;748.5 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;5,002.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;963.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;2,325.7 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;730.0 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;184.2 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;125.3 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;673.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;5,002.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,407.0 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;2,451.8 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;616.2 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;152.5 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;124.6 Male;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;250.7 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;2,441.8 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;324.2 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;1,067.2 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;562.5 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;186.8 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;154.2 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;147.0 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;2,441.8 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;288.1 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;1,242.8 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;427.8 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;93.7 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;96.8 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;292.6 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;2,441.8 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;371.2 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;1,241.4 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;438.7 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;73.4 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;52.5 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;264.6 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;2,441.8 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;551.6 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;1,266.3 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;365.4 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;53.1 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;40.9 Male;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;164.6 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;4,102.6 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;609.0 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;1,742.4 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;939.6 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;349.7 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;171.9 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;290.1 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;4,102.6 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;654.4 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;1,937.5 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;632.6 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;162.3 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;235.6 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;480.2 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;4,102.6 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;756.5 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;1,985.9 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;641.0 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;177.0 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;78.0 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;464.2 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;4,102.6 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,091.9 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;2,042.4 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;544.9 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;150.2 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;73.7 Male;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;199.6 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;3,324.6 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;424.7 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;1,468.1 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;742.2 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;249.0 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;134.0 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;306.5 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;3,324.6 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;361.0 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;1,531.1 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;616.6 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;160.0 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;107.9 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;548.1 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;3,324.6 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;427.1 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;1,730.2 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;579.5 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;85.6 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;64.3 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;437.9 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;3,324.6 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;740.1 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;1,778.9 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;436.6 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;129.1 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;40.2 Male;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;199.7 Female;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;19,599.1 Female;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;3,277.5 Female;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;8,395.0 Female;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;4,106.3 Female;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;1,690.7 Female;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;1,035.3 Female;Total;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;1,094.3 Female;Total;Dentists;Total;19,599.1 Female;Total;Dentists;Very satisfied;3,352.5 Female;Total;Dentists;Quite satisfied;9,765.1 Female;Total;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;2,584.4 Female;Total;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;712.1 Female;Total;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;875.7 Female;Total;Dentists;No data recorded;2,309.2 Female;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;19,599.1 Female;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;3,906.1 Female;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;10,164.6 Female;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;2,790.2 Female;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;850.5 Female;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;569.2 Female;Total;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;1,318.5 Female;Total;General or family doctors;Total;19,599.1 Female;Total;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;6,034.4 Female;Total;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;9,510.1 Female;Total;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;2,293.2 Female;Total;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;730.3 Female;Total;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;468.5 Female;Total;General or family doctors;No data recorded;562.7 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;3,921.7 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;793.9 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;1,717.2 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;729.7 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;322.2 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;167.3 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;191.5 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;3,921.7 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;720.4 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;2,002.8 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;497.3 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;120.3 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;123.0 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;457.8 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;3,921.7 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;875.1 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;2,094.5 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;473.8 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;164.6 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;105.4 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;208.2 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;3,921.7 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,202.3 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;2,091.7 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;359.5 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;117.1 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;72.2 Female;Fewer than or equal to 10,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;79.0 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;4,996.5 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;872.3 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;2,041.1 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;1,066.4 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;442.4 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;277.0 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;297.3 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;4,996.5 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;920.2 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;2,466.2 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;610.6 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;162.8 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;261.9 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;574.7 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;4,996.5 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;1,035.6 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;2,499.2 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;682.4 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;231.5 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;149.3 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;398.6 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;4,996.5 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,592.1 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;2,310.5 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;592.4 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;187.1 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;142.8 Female;10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;171.6 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;2,472.1 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;417.5 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;1,008.5 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;546.5 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;216.9 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;144.5 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;138.4 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;2,472.1 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;425.6 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;1,233.7 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;333.4 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;88.9 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;132.0 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;258.6 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;2,472.1 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;507.0 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;1,243.0 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;410.2 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;90.2 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;71.8 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;149.9 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;2,472.1 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;774.8 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;1,168.0 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;317.8 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;96.2 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;52.8 Female;50,001 to 100,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;62.6 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;4,339.5 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;683.4 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;1,891.6 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;913.9 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;392.8 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;227.3 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;230.4 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;4,339.5 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;824.7 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;2,135.3 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;542.8 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;180.3 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;198.1 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;458.3 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;4,339.5 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;910.8 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;2,154.7 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;624.3 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;194.7 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;140.0 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;315.0 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;4,339.5 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,374.2 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;2,027.7 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;556.1 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;171.1 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;95.4 Female;100,001 to 400,000 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;115.0 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Total;3,869.2 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very satisfied;510.5 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite satisfied;1,736.5 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;849.8 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Quite dissatisfied;316.5 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);Very dissatisfied;219.3 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Hospitals (including Accident and Emergency services);No data recorded;236.7 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Total;3,869.2 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Very satisfied;461.6 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite satisfied;1,927.0 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;600.3 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Quite dissatisfied;159.7 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;Very dissatisfied;160.7 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Dentists;No data recorded;559.8 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Total;3,869.2 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very satisfied;577.5 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite satisfied;2,173.2 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;599.5 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Quite dissatisfied;169.5 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);Very dissatisfied;102.7 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;Specialists (doctors or surgeons);No data recorded;246.8 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Total;3,869.2 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very satisfied;1,091.0 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite satisfied;1,912.2 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied;467.3 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Quite dissatisfied;158.7 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;Very dissatisfied;105.3 Female;Greater than or equal to 400,001 inhabitants;General or family doctors;No data recorded;134.6