Difficulty making ends meet;Difficulty making ends meet when they were teenagers;Total Total;Total;24,317.1 Total;With a great deal of difficulty when the were teenagers;1,538.3 Total;With difficulty when they were teenagers;3,099.0 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty when they were teenagers;5,517.1 Total;With a certain degree of ease when they were teenagers;8,525.5 Total;With ease when they were teenagers;4,913.8 Total;With a great deal of ease when they were teenagers;408.5 Total;No data recorded;314.9 With a great deal of difficulty;Total;11.7 With a great deal of difficulty;With a great deal of difficulty when the were teenagers;32.3 With a great deal of difficulty;With difficulty when they were teenagers;15.8 With a great deal of difficulty;With a certain degree of difficulty when they were teenagers;10.6 With a great deal of difficulty;With a certain degree of ease when they were teenagers;8.9 With a great deal of difficulty;With ease when they were teenagers;8.0 With a great deal of difficulty;With a great deal of ease when they were teenagers;20.0 With a great deal of difficulty;No data recorded;14.8 With difficulty;Total;18.1 With difficulty;With a great deal of difficulty when the were teenagers;26.9 With difficulty;With difficulty when they were teenagers;30.8 With difficulty;With a certain degree of difficulty when they were teenagers;20.7 With difficulty;With a certain degree of ease when they were teenagers;14.4 With difficulty;With ease when they were teenagers;11.0 With difficulty;With a great deal of ease when they were teenagers;12.3 With difficulty;No data recorded;21.2 With a certain degree of difficulty;Total;28.3 With a certain degree of difficulty;With a great deal of difficulty when the were teenagers;22.2 With a certain degree of difficulty;With difficulty when they were teenagers;28.7 With a certain degree of difficulty;With a certain degree of difficulty when they were teenagers;36.7 With a certain degree of difficulty;With a certain degree of ease when they were teenagers;27.3 With a certain degree of difficulty;With ease when they were teenagers;22.9 With a certain degree of difficulty;With a great deal of ease when they were teenagers;19.1 With a certain degree of difficulty;No data recorded;28.9 With a certain degree of ease;Total;27.5 With a certain degree of ease;With a great deal of difficulty when the were teenagers;12.7 With a certain degree of ease;With difficulty when they were teenagers;16.9 With a certain degree of ease;With a certain degree of difficulty when they were teenagers;23.1 With a certain degree of ease;With a certain degree of ease when they were teenagers;35.7 With a certain degree of ease;With ease when they were teenagers;29.7 With a certain degree of ease;With a great deal of ease when they were teenagers;26.7 With a certain degree of ease;No data recorded;23.0 With ease;Total;13.4 With ease;With a great deal of difficulty when the were teenagers;5.8 With ease;With difficulty when they were teenagers;7.0 With ease;With a certain degree of difficulty when they were teenagers;8.2 With ease;With a certain degree of ease when they were teenagers;12.9 With ease;With ease when they were teenagers;26.6 With ease;With a great deal of ease when they were teenagers;15.0 With ease;No data recorded;10.0 With a great deal of ease;Total;1.0 With a great deal of ease;With a great deal of difficulty when the were teenagers;0.0 With a great deal of ease;With difficulty when they were teenagers;0.7 With a great deal of ease;With a certain degree of difficulty when they were teenagers;0.6 With a great deal of ease;With a certain degree of ease when they were teenagers;0.9 With a great deal of ease;With ease when they were teenagers;1.8 With a great deal of ease;With a great deal of ease when they were teenagers;6.9 With a great deal of ease;No data recorded;2.0