Difficulty in carrying out activities Population by sex, age and difficulty in carrying out daily activities Units: thousands of persons and percentages ,Total,Moderate difficulty,Severe and complete difficulty,No difficulty, ABSOLUTE FIGURES, Both genders, Total,41,923.5,1,436.5,971.4,39,515.7, From 0 to 24 years old,11,671.7,52.6,43.7,11,575.5, From 25 to 44 years old,13,622.2,173.0,137.6,13,311.5, From 45 to 64 years old,9,766.6,275.5,195.0,9,296.1, From 65 to 74 years old,3,922.0,357.7,178.6,3,385.7, 75 and over,2,941.0,577.6,416.5,1,946.8, Males, Total,20,620.2,534.1,396.9,19,689.1, From 0 to 24 years old,5,997.8,29.9,27.3,5,940.5, From 25 to 44 years old,6,918.1,96.4,77.2,6,744.4, From 45 to 64 years old,4,790.6,119.5,98.0,4,573.1, From 65 to 74 years old,1,773.9,125.1,71.9,1,577.0, 75 and over,1,139.9,163.1,122.6,854.1, Females, Total,21,303.3,902.4,574.4,19,826.5, From 0 to 24 years old,5,674.0,22.6,16.4,5,635.0, From 25 to 44 years old,6,704.1,76.6,60.4,6,567.1, From 45 to 64 years old,4,976.1,156.0,97.1,4,723.0, From 65 to 74 years old,2,148.1,232.6,106.7,1,808.7, 75 and over,1,801.1,414.5,293.8,1,092.7, RELATIVE FIGURES, Both genders, Total,100.00,3.43,2.32,94.26, From 0 to 24 years old,100.00,0.45,0.37,99.18, From 25 to 44 years old,100.00,1.27,1.01,97.72, From 45 to 64 years old,100.00,2.82,2.00,95.18, From 65 to 74 years old,100.00,9.12,4.55,86.33, 75 and over,100.00,19.64,14.16,66.20, Males, Total,100.00,2.59,1.92,95.48, From 0 to 24 years old,100.00,0.50,0.45,99.05, From 25 to 44 years old,100.00,1.39,1.12,97.49, From 45 to 64 years old,100.00,2.50,2.04,95.46, From 65 to 74 years old,100.00,7.05,4.05,88.90, 75 and over,100.00,14.31,10.76,74.93, Females, Total,100.00,4.24,2.70,93.07, From 0 to 24 years old,100.00,0.40,0.29,99.31, From 25 to 44 years old,100.00,1.14,0.90,97.96, From 45 to 64 years old,100.00,3.13,1.95,94.91, From 65 to 74 years old,100.00,10.83,4.97,84.20, 75 and over,100.00,23.01,16.31,60.67, Notes: 1) The data about to crossing of the category 'Severe and complete difficulty' with males and females 0 to 24 years must be viewed with caution, because they may be affected by high sample errors The data about to crossing of the category 'Moderate difficulty' with females 0 to 24 years must be viewed with caution, because they may be affected by high sample errors Source: National Statistics Institute and Ministry of Health and Consumption