Difficulty in carrying out activities Population with difficulty in carrying out daily activities by level of studies of the main breadwinner and type of problem. Units: thousands of persons and percentages ,Total,Physical,Mental,Both types, ABSOLUTE FIGURES, Total,2,407.9,1,849.7,250.4,307.8, Illiterates and without studies,776.0,613.9,76.5,85.7, Primary and Secondary Education of first cycle,1,217.0,923.7,124.5,168.8, Secondary education of second cycle and post-secundary,242.8,187.7,26.5,28.7, University,172.0,124.5,22.9,24.6, RELATIVE FIGURES, Total,100.00,76.82,10.40,12.78, Illiterates and without studies,100.00,79.11,9.86,11.04, Primary and Secondary Education of first cycle,100.00,75.90,10.23,13.87, Secondary education of second cycle and post-secundary,100.00,77.29,10.90,11.81, University,100.00,72.37,13.30,14.33, Notes: 1) The data about to crossing of the categories 'Mental' and 'Both types' with 'Secondary education of second cycle and post-secundary' and 'University' must be viewed with caution, because they may be affected by high sample errors Source: National Statistics Institute and Ministry of Health and Consumption