Population and Housing Censuses Lleida Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and nationality (big groups) Units: persons ,Both sexes,,,,Men,,,,Women,,,, ,Total,Under-16 years of age,From 16 to 64 years of age,65 and more years of age,Total,Under-16 years of age,From 16 to 64 years of age,65 and more years of age,Total,Under-16 years of age,From 16 to 64 years of age,65 and more years of age, Total, 25120 Lleida,137,283,23,013,92,530,21,741,67,934,11,730,47,278,8,926,69,349,11,282,45,251,12,815, Spanish, 25120 Lleida,109,924,18,167,70,256,21,502,52,715,9,208,34,680,8,827,57,209,8,959,35,576,12,675, Foreign, 25120 Lleida,27,359,4,846,22,274,239,15,219,2,522,12,598,99,12,140,2,324,9,676,140, Foreign, from a UE member country, 25120 Lleida,8,582,1,126,7,362,94,4,412,565,3,803,44,4,171,561,3,559,51, Foreign, from a non-UE member country, 25120 Lleida,1,244,191,1,036,17,497,90,404,2,748,101,632,15, Foreign, from an African country, 25120 Lleida,11,058,2,478,8,526,53,7,291,1,313,5,955,23,3,767,1,166,2,571,30, Foreign, from a North American country, 25120 Lleida,96,8,86,3,47,3,41,3,49,5,44,.., Foreign, from a Caribbean, South or Central American country, 25120 Lleida,4,769,721,3,989,59,1,993,363,1,610,19,2,776,358,2,379,40, Foreign, from an Asian country, 25120 Lleida,1,605,321,1,272,12,977,188,782,7,628,133,490,5, Foreign, from an Ocean country and stateless, 25120 Lleida,4,..,3,1,3,..,2,1,1,..,1,.., Notes: Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística