Population and Housing Censuses Results for municipalities with 1,000 to 10,000 inhabitants Palencia: Units by unit type Units: units ,Total (unit type),Couple without children,Couple with children,Father with children,Mother with children, Total,16,830,5,398,8,771,683,1,978, 34004 Aguilar de Campoo,1,960,604,1,011,85,260, 34005 Alar del Rey,271,105,116,.,., 34017 Astudillo,271,78,129,.,48, 34022 Baltanás,371,129,184,.,38, 34027 Barruelo de Santullán,424,175,159,.,., 34047 Carrión de los Condes,576,127,318,.,108, 34056 Cervera de Pisuerga,801,278,352,.,115, 34069 Dueñas,874,321,451,.,69, 34079 Grijota,602,260,326,.,., 34080 Guardo,2,147,669,1,093,.,288, 34083 Herrera de Pisuerga,625,187,343,.,92, 34098 Magaz de Pisuerga,322,126,174,.,., 34901 Osorno la Mayor,375,109,230,.,., 34123 Paredes de Nava,570,179,325,.,54, 34157 Saldaña,852,239,436,.,147, 34171 Santibáñez de la Peña,352,107,168,.,62, 34182 Torquemada,291,89,173,.,., 34199 Velilla del Río Carrión,461,133,236,.,61, 34023 Venta de Baños,2,013,828,950,.,164, 34206 Villada,290,77,150,.,42, 34217 Villalobón,429,130,255,.,42, 34225 Villamuriel de Cerrato,1,955,447,1,193,125,190, Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute