Population and Housing Censuses Albacete Main dwellings according to tenancy regime by average age of the household Units: main dwellings ,Total (tenancy regime),,,,,Owned, via purchase, paid in full,,,,,Owned, by purchase, with pending payments (mortgages),,,,,Owned by inheritance or as a gift,,,,,Rented,,,,,Transferred for free or at a low price (by another household, paid for by the company...),,,,,Other way,,,,, ,Total (average age of the household),Below 31 years old,From 31 to 45 years old,From 46 to 65 years old,Over 65 years old,Total (average age of the household),Below 31 years old,From 31 to 45 years old,From 46 to 65 years old,Over 65 years old,Total (average age of the household),Below 31 years old,From 31 to 45 years old,From 46 to 65 years old,Over 65 years old,Total (average age of the household),Below 31 years old,From 31 to 45 years old,From 46 to 65 years old,Over 65 years old,Total (average age of the household),Below 31 years old,From 31 to 45 years old,From 46 to 65 years old,Over 65 years old,Total (average age of the household),Below 31 years old,From 31 to 45 years old,From 46 to 65 years old,Over 65 years old,Total (average age of the household),Below 31 years old,From 31 to 45 years old,From 46 to 65 years old,Over 65 years old, Total,40,177,12,222,12,236,7,660,8,059,16,185,2,053,4,387,4,015,5,730,13,226,6,991,4,823,1,186,225,3,756,660,963,974,1,159,3,755,1,734,1,125,619,278,934,222,334,178,200,2,322,562,605,688,468, 02009 Almansa,9,651,2,514,3,255,1,869,2,013,4,146,543,1,181,920,1,503,3,520,1,651,1,438,382,.,849,.,182,292,219,480,.,.,.,.,255,.,.,.,.,400,.,.,.,., 02025 Caudete,3,877,1,125,1,174,765,813,1,410,181,319,465,445,1,318,689,522,.,.,368,.,.,89,151,279,.,.,.,.,170,.,.,.,.,332,.,.,110,., 02037 Hellín,10,969,3,604,3,004,2,306,2,055,4,514,591,1,162,1,344,1,417,3,406,2,086,954,274,.,1,081,274,344,242,220,1,189,545,317,207,.,217,.,.,.,.,562,.,132,208,., 02069 Roda, La,5,994,1,847,1,964,1,028,1,155,2,249,307,623,388,930,1,747,908,705,.,.,539,.,177,186,150,925,411,294,195,.,109,.,.,.,.,427,160,.,.,., 02081 Villarrobledo,9,686,3,132,2,839,1,692,2,024,3,866,431,1,102,898,1,435,3,236,1,657,1,204,359,.,919,117,218,164,420,883,660,.,.,.,183,.,.,.,.,600,206,.,148,., Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute