Population and Housing Censuses Valladolid Main dwellings according to tenancy regime Units: main dwellings ,Total (tenancy regime),Owned, via purchase, paid in full,Owned, by purchase, with pending payments (mortgages),Owned by inheritance or as a gift,Rented,Transferred for free or at a low price (by another household, paid for by the company...),Other way, Total,23,364,7,139,11,874,424,3,005,379,544, 47010 Arroyo de la Encomienda,6,365,918,4,429,.,803,.,., 47076 Laguna de Duero,8,375,2,752,4,201,.,987,.,145, 47085 Medina del Campo,8,624,3,468,3,244,240,1,214,.,287, Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute