01. Households, persons and average size of the household 01009.px Units: Number ,Households,Persons,Average size of the household, Total,14,865,707,43,106,664,2.90, 3 or more active persons: main breadwinner, partner and others,865,664,3,538,058,4.09, 2 active persons: main breadwinner and partner,3,696,669,12,499,446,3.38, 2 or more active persons: main breadwinner or couple and others,1,610,774,6,161,447,3.83, 1 active person: main breadwinner or partner,3,446,222,9,495,242,2.76, 2 or more active persons: others,397,134,1,728,177,4.35, 1 active person: other,1,012,930,2,949,668,2.91, No active person,3,836,313,6,734,626,1.76, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute