01. Households, persons and average size of the household 01016.px Units: Number ,Households,Persons,Average size of the household, Total,14,865,707,43,106,664,2.90, Up to 25 years old,118,977,305,904,2.57, Between 26 and 35 years old,1,432,510,4,039,481,2.82, Between 36 and 45 years old,3,232,976,11,142,791,3.45, Between 46 and 55 years old,3,227,935,11,373,189,3.52, Between 56 and 60 years old,1,448,621,4,285,547,2.96, Between 61 and 65 years old,1,315,515,3,499,635,2.66, 66 years old and over,4,089,172,8,460,117,2.07, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute