02. Total expenditure and average expenditure 02013.px Units: Total expenditure: thousands of euros. Average expenditure: euros ,Total expenditure,Average expenditure per household,Average expenditure per person,Index on the mean of the average expenditure per person,Average expenditure per consumer unit, total,372,920,436.54,25,085.95,8,651.11,100.00,11,146.82, 3 or more active persons: main breadwinner, partner and others,31,037,280.45,35,050.44,8,598.96,99.40,11,259.29, 2 active persons: main breadwinner and partner,115,072,487.02,31,047.11,9,178.58,106.10,12,473.09, 2 or more active persons: main breadwinner or couple and others,47,131,716.89,29,066.02,7,597.98,87.83,9,881.74, 1 employed person: main breadwinner or partner,82,702,970.73,24,143.53,8,804.53,101.77,11,449.70, 2 or more active persons: others,11,532,516.22,28,593.56,6,589.22,76.17,8,673.16, 1 active person: other,22,976,953.27,22,698.04,7,793.55,90.09,9,762.70, no active person,62,466,511.97,16,390.27,9,371.85,108.33,10,775.48, Notes: 1) 1.The OECD scale has been used to calculate consumer units Source: National Statistics Institute