Household Budget Survey (HBS) Households, according to their economic capacity in the last twelve months Percentage of households, according to the educational level of the main breadwinner, and which have problems with their economic capacity Units: percentage ,They have had delays in expected payments,They have had to take measures in order to deal with their customary expenses,They have not been able to dedicate money to savings or to the acquisition of housing,They are unable to assume an unexpected expense of 600 euros with their own resources, Total,11.15,12.61,49.34,33.12, Uneducated or with primary studies,9.88,12.11,65.99,42.33, Secondary education, first cycle,14.25,14.85,52.47,38.67, Secondary education, second cycle,14.93,16.14,45.93,35.17, Non-university higher studies,7.88,11.42,36.28,24.55, University studies, first cycle,6.67,8.68,34.55,17.59, University , 2nd and 3rd cycle,5.44,6.19,28.71,11.89, Notes: 1) Illiterate persons are included in the 'Uneducated or with primary studies' category. Source: National Statistics Institute