Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Legal, consultancy and advisory, advertising and other services Market studies services and conducting public opinion surveys (Group 732 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover according to services rendered and occupation sections Units: Thousand euros ,Total,Less than 2,From 2 to 4,From 5 to 19,From 20 to 99,More than 99 years, Total,1,167,667,174,992,119,097,273,267,194,480,405,831, Market studies services: qualitative surveys,113,896,9,193,18,461,28,375,20,847,37,020, Market studies services: quantative surveys with a specific purpose,236,172,7,752,24,333,67,395,60,943,75,748, Market studies services: periodic and ongoing quantative surveys,154,537,15,531,4,973,41,749,26,112,66,171, Market studies services: other market studies,582,179,134,668,67,824,118,204,69,178,192,305, Public opinion survey services,29,125,879,805,3,757,9,481,14,202, Other activities and services,51,759,6,968,2,701,13,787,7,920,20,384, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute