Data relating to the Referendum on the reform of the Statute of Autonomy of Andalucía Postal votes given in the electoral tables by province and absolute values/percentages. Units: absolute values and percentage ,number (*),percentage on requests accepted,percentage on voters, TOTAL,15,711,87.79,0.26, Almería,1,119,86.61,0.26, Cádiz,1,920,87.00,0.21, Córdoba,1,686,89.87,0.27, Granada,2,214,86.25,0.32, Huelva,1,186,90.26,0.31, Jaén,1,952,88.49,0.37, Málaga,1,941,84.98,0.19, Sevilla,3,693,88.99,0.26, Notes: 1) ~'absolute values/Percentages,number (*)'~Information provided by The Postal and Telegraph Service State Corporation Source: National Statistics Institute