Population and Housing Censuses Melilla Main dwellings according to facilities of the dwellling Units: main dwellings ;Total main dwellings;Availability of heating in percentage: Group or central;Availability of heating in percentage: Single-person;Availability of heating in percentage: Does not have heating facilites but does have some device that allows to heat some rooms;Availability of heating in percentage: Does not have heating;Total main dwellings;Availability of washing in percentage: Yes;Availability of washing in percentage: No;Total main dwellings;Availability of bathroom/shower in percentage: Yes;Availability of bathroom/shower in percentage: No;Total main dwellings;Availability of Internet in percentage: Yes;Availability of Internet in percentage: No;Total main dwellings;Availability of running water in percentage: Running water by public supply;Availability of running water in percentage: Running water with public or private supply of the building;Availability of running water in percentage: Does not have running water; Total;24,666;2.78;14.72;34.10;48.40;24,666;98.79;1.21;24,666;98.78;1.22;24,666;53.08;46.92;24,666;95.61;4.25;.; 52001 Melilla;24,666;2.78;14.72;34.10;48.40;24,666;98.79;1.21;24,666;98.78;1.22;24,666;53.08;46.92;24,666;95.61;4.25;.; Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute