01. Households, persons and average size of the household 01008.px Units: Number ;Households;Persons;Average size of the household; Total;14,865,707;43,106,664;2.90; 3 or more active persons: main breadwinner, partner and others;885,503;3,609,421;4.08; 2 active persons: main breadwinner and partner;3,706,383;12,537,074;3.38; 2 or more active persons: main breadwinner or couple and others;1,621,540;6,203,193;3.83; 1 active person: main breadwinner or partner;3,425,472;9,393,231;2.74; 2 or more active persons: others;403,326;1,750,208;4.34; 1 active person: other;1,012,288;2,948,202;2.91; No active person;3,811,195;6,665,335;1.75; Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute