Living Conditions Survey (LCS) Social participation Adults according to the frequency of meetings with relatives and training level Units: Total number of adults (thousands) and horizontal percentages. ;Total;Daily;Weekly ( No Daily);Several times per month ( No Weekly);Once a month;At least once a year ( Less than once a month);Never;No data recorded; Total;36,917.5;21.1;38.6;13.6;8.3;14.6;3.4;0.4; Primary education or lower;13,224.7;27.5;34.2;12.4;6.8;15.2;3.6;0.2; First stage secondary education;7,754.0;21.3;40.9;13.0;7.7;13.9;2.9;0.3; Second stage secondary education;7,659.8;15.5;42.2;13.0;9.6;14.9;4.4;0.4; Higher education;8,193.8;15.9;40.1;16.5;10.2;14.2;2.5;0.5; No data recorded;85.2;7.1;36.8;9.4;1.5;18.7;1.6;24.9; Notes: 1) Therefore who No Members of the household 1) ~'training level,Primary education or lower'~Including illiterates 1) ~'training level,First stage secondary education'~Including training and labour integration equivalent to this level 1) ~'training level,Second stage secondary education'~Including training and labour integration equivalent to this level (including that requiring the second stage secondary education degree) 1) ~'training level,Higher education'~Including training and labour integration equivalent to this level Source: National Statistics Institute