Spanish Tourism Satellite Account. Base 2010 Charts comparing supply and demand Contribution of tourism to economy: Direct effects and total effects (1998) by GDP and components and types of effects. Units: ? ;DIRECT EFFECTS: Millions of euros;DIRECT EFFECTS: Percentage;TOTAL EFFECTS: Millions of euros;TOTAL EFFECTS: Percentage; GDPmp DEMAND;59,868.6;11.3;59,868.6;11.3; Domestic household final consumption expense;24,702.3;8.0;24,702.3;8.0; NPISH/P.A. final consumption expense;1,182.9;1.3;1,182.9;1.3; GFC;6,088.3;5.0;6,088.3;5.0; Exports g. and s.;30,430.0;28.9;30,430.0;28.9; Imports g. and s.;2,534.9;1.8;2,534.9;1.8; GDPmp SUPPLY And PRODUCTION(1);38,824.6;7.4;59,868.6;11.3; GAVbp;34,947.0;7.3;55,162.7;11.5; Tax (net) on Products;3,877.6;8.2;4,705.9;9.9; PRODUCTION(2);58,937.3;6.2;109,747.9;11.5; EMPLOYMENT (Jobs);832.3;5.6;1,492.0;10.0; Notes: 1) (1) Includes Financial Intermediation Services (2) Production adjusted for processing tourist packages in the TSA. Source: National Statistics Institute