Encuesta de Fecundidad Females 50 years old and over Females 50 years old and over size of municipality of residence actual age of females 50 years old and over. Unidades: Relative figures All ages From 50 to 54 years old From 55 to 59 years old From 60 to 64 years old From 65 to 69 years old From 70 to 74 years old From 75 to 79 years old From 80 to 84 years old From 85 to 89 years old From 90 to 94 years old years old and over Total 100 17,71 12,77 16,54 16,1 14,32 13,59 4,58 2,52 1,66 0,21 Up to 10,000 inhabitants 100 11,46 15,6 14,84 19,01 14,96 13,11 5,48 3,6 1,36 0,57 From 10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants 100 15,08 14,06 15,7 17,21 14,07 13,92 4,76 2,69 2,4 0,12 From 50,001 to 500,000 inhabitants 100 17,79 14,07 15,46 17,32 13,09 15 4,73 1,79 0,65 0,1 More than 500,000 inhabitants 100 28,31 5,78 21,29 9,35 15,66 11,67 3,04 2,08 2,84 .. Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute