Private Education Financing and Expenditure Statistic NON-UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. CURRENT RESULTS Current results (Values per student) by Educational level and Ownership of the centre/classroom Unidades: euros TOTAL Subsidised classrooms Non-subsidised classrooms Current income Current expenditure Current results(Income-Expenditure) Current income Current expenditure Current results(Income-Expenditure) Current income Current expenditure Current results(Income-Expenditure) TOTAL TOTAL 4.101 3.901 200 3.969 3.768 201 4.512 4.313 199 Subsidised centre 3.953 3.804 149 3.969 3.768 201 3.732 4.333 -601 Non-subsidised centre 4.723 4.308 414 .. .. .. 4.723 4.308 414 Preschool education TOTAL 3.541 3.342 199 3.316 3.004 312 3.839 3.791 49 Subsidised centre 3.345 3.205 140 3.316 3.004 312 3.568 4.761 -1.193 Non-subsidised centre 3.896 3.590 305 .. .. .. 3.896 3.590 305 Primary education TOTAL 3.949 3.708 240 3.736 3.551 186 5.519 4.875 645 Subsidised centre 3.738 3.552 186 3.736 3.551 186 4.525 4.192 333 Non-subsidised centre 5.532 4.883 649 .. .. .. 5.532 4.883 649 Obligatory Secondary Education TOTAL 4.464 4.290 174 4.304 4.171 133 5.588 5.123 466 Subsidised centre 4.304 4.179 126 4.304 4.171 133 4.403 5.118 -715 Non-subsidised centre 5.660 5.123 537 .. .. .. 5.660 5.123 537 Post-secondary Education TOTAL 4.654 4.587 67 4.662 4.419 243 4.649 4.693 -44 Subsidised centre 4.215 4.226 -12 4.662 4.419 243 3.808 4.051 -243 Non-subsidised centre 6.496 6.102 394 .. .. .. 6.496 6.102 394 Intermediate Level Professional Education TOTAL 4.099 3.851 248 4.189 3.894 295 3.678 3.650 29 Subsidised centre 4.195 3.905 290 4.189 3.894 295 4.456 4.413 43 Non-subsidised centre 3.590 3.563 27 .. .. .. 3.590 3.563 27 Higher Level Professional Education TOTAL 4.712 4.471 240 4.601 4.394 207 4.912 4.612 301 Subsidised centre 4.499 4.298 201 4.601 4.394 207 3.440 3.306 134 Non-subsidised centre 5.228 4.892 336 .. .. .. 5.228 4.892 336 Other specific education TOTAL 12.291 12.187 104 16.417 16.256 160 2.726 2.753 -27 Subsidised centre 14.838 14.730 108 16.417 16.256 160 3.159 3.439 -280 Non-subsidised centre 2.528 2.440 88 .. .. .. 2.528 2.440 88 Notas: '.' Data protected by statistical secrecy '..' Data value is zero Other specific education includes special education and education for adults, which are not comparable to any level from the general system The Special Regime of Elementary Level and the Initial Programmes of Professional Qualification are included in the category Obligatory Secondary Education It is considered subsidised centre if there is at least one subsidised classroom ( school unit ) Fuente: National Statistics Institute