Vital Statistics (Provisional Results) Results by Autonomous Community Marriages with at least one foreign spouse, by Autonomous Community of registration of the married couple and month. Unidades: Marriages January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Total 1.454 1.584 1.749 1.805 2.130 2.474 2.875 1.436 2.794 3.093 2.505 2.033 25.932 Andalucía 189 207 198 219 252 299 356 196 354 373 320 277 3.240 Aragón 35 42 43 46 39 57 76 47 65 71 47 54 622 Asturias (Principado de) 20 20 24 32 30 33 43 29 46 46 40 39 402 Balears (Illes) 68 94 89 71 120 126 156 81 151 169 134 91 1.350 Canarias 95 116 113 114 128 139 172 80 142 172 156 132 1.559 Cantabria 16 15 16 22 21 29 38 27 32 35 19 15 285 Castilla y León 39 49 57 52 67 97 119 82 103 98 60 69 892 Castilla-La Mancha 52 43 62 74 93 106 120 99 102 114 89 83 1.037 Cataluña 271 253 329 330 394 452 538 188 518 589 443 295 4.600 Comunitat Valenciana 212 264 290 260 317 371 350 179 354 386 321 289 3.593 Extremadura 11 11 13 14 21 25 32 18 18 25 37 23 248 Galicia 48 68 70 72 89 95 115 112 115 127 100 94 1.105 Madrid (Comunidad de) 247 225 254 298 347 424 468 156 525 555 454 372 4.325 Murcia (Región de) 37 43 45 62 60 64 87 24 85 107 76 55 745 Navarra (Comunidad Foral de) 16 23 29 16 30 23 32 38 27 42 23 25 324 País Vasco 78 77 76 78 91 99 114 50 103 126 122 74 1.088 Rioja (La) 12 14 18 23 17 18 28 20 29 32 28 28 267 Ceuta 5 16 15 14 11 14 22 7 21 20 28 15 188 Melilla 3 4 8 8 3 3 9 3 4 6 8 3 62 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute