Encuesta de Fecundidad Characteristics marriages / couples and exposure to pregnancy risk. Women 15-49 years Females married sometime or with a partner, who 1st marriage or rel. finished size of municipality of residence duration of the end of 1st marriage or relation. Unidades: Absolute figures ,Total,1st marriage or with a partner finished by divorce or legal separation,1st marriage or with a partner finished by genuine separation by mutual agreement,1st marriage or with a partner finished by death,1st marriage or with a partner finished by other reasons, Total,1.318.037,296.186,361.166,105.607,555.077, Up to 10,000 inhabitants,199.404,39.681,56.289,27.196,76.238, From 10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants,311.221,69.631,84.518,29.837,127.235, From 50,001 to 500,000 inhabitants,557.119,123.932,147.646,39.488,246.053, More than 500,000 inhabitants,250.293,62.942,72.713,9.087,105.551, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute