Private Education Financing and Expenditure Statistic UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. EXPENDITURE AND INCOME STRUCTURE Expenditure and income structure (Absolute values) by Type of indicator and Dependency of the centre Unidades: thousands of euros ,TOTAL,Religious,Secular, 1. Staff expenses,612.371,341.608,270.763, 2. Current expenditure on goods and services,531.455,225.512,305.943, 3. Taxes,43.352,2.915,40.438, 4. TOTAL Current expenditure (1+2+3),1.187.179,570.035,617.144, 5. Capital expenditure,137.271,85.571,51.700, 6. TOTAL Expenditure (4+5),1.324.450,655.606,668.844, 7. Income by quotas,1.207.438,594.481,612.958, 8. Private current transfers,20.767,14.454,6.314, 9. Current subsidies (public),79.534,21.784,57.750, 10. Other private current income,63.308,30.609,32.699, 11.TOTAL Current income (7+8+9+10),1.371.048,661.327,709.721, 12. Capital income,29.987,15.511,14.476, 13. TOTAL Income (11+12),1.401.035,676.838,724.197, 14. Current results (11-4),183.869,91.292,92.577, Notas: '.' Data protected by statistical secrecy '..' Data value is zero Fuente: National Statistics Institute