Data related to elections to Andalucía Parliament 2018 Postal vote of voters resident in Andalucía. Percentages by provinces and type of resolution Unidades: postal vote ,Accepted,Percentage of voters,Percentage of filed, TOTAL,88.929,1,41,98,82, 04 Almería,8.164,1,79,99,42, 11 Cádiz,11.581,1,19,98,65, 14 Córdoba,8.863,1,41,98,9, 18 Granada,11.532,1,64,98,67, 21 Huelva,5.856,1,5,99,32, 23 Jaén,10.515,2,04,98,85, 29 Málaga,14.435,1,27,98,88, 41 Sevilla,17.983,1,19,98,5, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute