Professional Life of People with Disabilities Disability and age of first employment registration with the Social Security agency (for those born after 1960) Age of first employment registration with the social security agency by current age bracket (born in or after 1960) and disability type Units: years ,Persons with disability, Total, Total, 2022,20.9, 2021,20.8, 2020,20.8, 2019,20.8, 2018,20.7, 2017,20.7, 2016,20.6, 16-29, 2022,20.1, 2021,20.2, 2020,20.1, 2019,20.1, 2018,19.9, 2017,19.6, 2016,19.2, 30-34, 2022,20.2, 2021,19.7, 2020,19.6, 2019,19.3, 2018,19.1, 2017,19.1, 2016,19.1, 35-39, 2022,19.3, 2021,19.3, 2020,19.3, 2019,19.4, 2018,19.5, 2017,19.6, 2016,19.8, 40-44, 2022,19.8, 2021,20.0, 2020,20.2, 2019,20.3, 2018,20.4, 2017,20.3, 2016,20.2, 45-49, 2022,20.5, 2021,20.4, 2020,20.4, 2019,20.4, 2018,20.5, 2017,20.8, 2016,20.9, 50-54, 2022,21.0, 2021,21.2, 2020,21.4, 2019,21.5, 2018,21.6, 2017,21.5, 2016,21.4, 55-59, 2022,21.8, 2021,21.8, 2020,21.5, 2019,21.2, 2018,21.0, 2017,20.9, 2016,20.7, 60-64, 2022,21.1, 2021,20.8, 2020,20.6, 2019,.., 2018,.., 2017,.., 2016,.., Physical and other, Total, 2022,20.9, 2021,20.9, 2020,20.8, 2019,20.8, 2018,20.8, 2017,20.7, 2016,20.7, 16-29, 2022,20.3, 2021,20.5, 2020,20.5, 2019,20.4, 2018,20.2, 2017,19.9, 2016,19.6, 30-34, 2022,20.5, 2021,20.1, 2020,19.9, 2019,19.6, 2018,19.4, 2017,19.4, 2016,19.4, 35-39, 2022,19.5, 2021,19.5, 2020,19.5, 2019,19.7, 2018,19.9, 2017,20.0, 2016,20.1, 40-44, 2022,20.0, 2021,20.2, 2020,20.4, 2019,20.5, 2018,20.7, 2017,20.6, 2016,20.4, 45-49, 2022,20.6, 2021,20.5, 2020,20.4, 2019,20.5, 2018,20.6, 2017,20.9, 2016,21.0, 50-54, 2022,21.0, 2021,21.2, 2020,21.3, 2019,21.5, 2018,21.5, 2017,21.4, 2016,21.4, 55-59, 2022,21.7, 2021,21.7, 2020,21.4, 2019,21.1, 2018,20.8, 2017,20.6, 2016,20.4, 60-64, 2022,20.8, 2021,20.4, 2020,20.3, 2019,.., 2018,.., 2017,.., 2016,.., Intellectual, Total, 2022,21.5, 2021,21.4, 2020,21.4, 2019,21.4, 2018,21.4, 2017,21.4, 2016,21.4, 16-29, 2022,20.2, 2021,20.3, 2020,20.1, 2019,20.1, 2018,19.9, 2017,19.8, 2016,19.4, 30-34, 2022,21.1, 2021,20.4, 2020,20.4, 2019,20.0, 2018,19.7, 2017,19.5, 2016,19.5, 35-39, 2022,20.0, 2021,19.9, 2020,19.8, 2019,19.9, 2018,20.0, 2017,20.1, 2016,20.3, 40-44, 2022,20.6, 2021,20.5, 2020,20.8, 2019,20.5, 2018,21.0, 2017,21.4, 2016,21.6, 45-49, 2022,21.6, 2021,21.9, 2020,22.0, 2019,22.5, 2018,22.6, 2017,23.1, 2016,23.6, 50-54, 2022,23.2, 2021,23.4, 2020,23.9, 2019,24.6, 2018,25.0, 2017,24.8, 2016,24.6, 55-59, 2022,24.9, 2021,24.8, 2020,25.4, 2019,25.7, 2018,25.5, 2017,25.8, 2016,26.5, 60-64, 2022,25.8, 2021,26.6, 2020,26.0, 2019,.., 2018,.., 2017,.., 2016,.., Mental, Total, 2022,20.7, 2021,20.7, 2020,20.7, 2019,20.7, 2018,20.6, 2017,20.6, 2016,20.6, 16-29, 2022,19.9, 2021,19.8, 2020,19.8, 2019,19.7, 2018,19.6, 2017,19.1, 2016,19.0, 30-34, 2022,20.1, 2021,19.3, 2020,19.2, 2019,19.1, 2018,18.8, 2017,18.6, 2016,18.7, 35-39, 2022,19.3, 2021,19.2, 2020,19.2, 2019,19.1, 2018,19.1, 2017,19.2, 2016,19.5, 40-44, 2022,19.4, 2021,19.7, 2020,20.0, 2019,20.2, 2018,20.3, 2017,20.3, 2016,20.2, 45-49, 2022,20.5, 2021,20.3, 2020,20.3, 2019,20.3, 2018,20.4, 2017,20.7, 2016,20.8, 50-54, 2022,20.9, 2021,21.2, 2020,21.4, 2019,21.6, 2018,21.9, 2017,22.0, 2016,21.7, 55-59, 2022,22.2, 2021,22.1, 2020,21.8, 2019,21.9, 2018,21.5, 2017,21.5, 2016,21.3, 60-64, 2022,21.5, 2021,21.6, 2020,21.8, 2019,.., 2018,.., 2017,.., 2016,.., Sensory, Total, 2022,21.6, 2021,21.6, 2020,21.5, 2019,21.5, 2018,21.3, 2017,21.2, 2016,21.2, 16-29, 2022,20.4, 2021,20.4, 2020,20.6, 2019,20.4, 2018,20.2, 2017,19.9, 2016,19.6, 30-34, 2022,20.7, 2021,20.3, 2020,20.2, 2019,19.7, 2018,19.8, 2017,19.9, 2016,19.8, 35-39, 2022,20.1, 2021,20.4, 2020,20.3, 2019,20.3, 2018,20.2, 2017,20.1, 2016,20.5, 40-44, 2022,20.6, 2021,20.8, 2020,21.1, 2019,21.1, 2018,20.9, 2017,21.1, 2016,20.8, 45-49, 2022,21.5, 2021,21.2, 2020,20.8, 2019,21.2, 2018,21.2, 2017,21.3, 2016,21.5, 50-54, 2022,21.6, 2021,21.7, 2020,21.9, 2019,22.1, 2018,22.2, 2017,22.3, 2016,22.1, 55-59, 2022,22.7, 2021,22.6, 2020,22.6, 2019,22.2, 2018,21.8, 2017,21.3, 2016,21.4, 60-64, 2022,21.9, 2021,21.9, 2020,21.5, 2019,.., 2018,.., 2017,.., 2016,.., Not specified, Total, 2022,20.6, 2021,20.5, 2020,20.5, 2019,20.4, 2018,20.3, 2017,20.3, 2016,20.2, 16-29, 2022,18.9, 2021,18.5, 2020,18.3, 2019,18.2, 2018,17.4, 2017,17.4, 2016,17.4, 30-34, 2022,18.1, 2021,17.8, 2020,17.9, 2019,18.0, 2018,18.0, 2017,18.0, 2016,18.1, 35-39, 2022,18.4, 2021,18.3, 2020,18.4, 2019,18.5, 2018,18.7, 2017,18.8, 2016,19.0, 40-44, 2022,19.2, 2021,19.4, 2020,19.6, 2019,19.7, 2018,19.6, 2017,19.5, 2016,19.5, 45-49, 2022,19.9, 2021,19.9, 2020,19.8, 2019,19.8, 2018,19.9, 2017,20.1, 2016,20.3, 50-54, 2022,20.6, 2021,20.8, 2020,21.1, 2019,21.1, 2018,21.3, 2017,21.2, 2016,21.1, 55-59, 2022,21.5, 2021,21.4, 2020,21.1, 2019,20.9, 2018,20.7, 2017,20.7, 2016,20.4, 60-64, 2022,21.0, 2021,20.6, 2020,20.4, 2019,.., 2018,.., 2017,.., 2016,.., Notes: 1) Persons with a recognised disability are considered to be those with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% or similar, according to the assessment procedure established by Legislative Royal Decree 1/2013. 2) Results for cells with a value of less than 5.0 (5,000 persons) should be taken with caution because they may be affected by large sampling errors. 3) The symbol '.' means that the data is not provided because it is affected by strong sampling errors. 4) The population included in the calculation of these tables is all persons born from 1960 onwards, who have some relationship with the Social Security in the reference year and who have been registered at work at some time in their lives. According to the OSPL guide, certain prior affiliation relationships may not be registered in the databases. The OSPL reflects only a small part of the employment relationships prior to 1966 and there are significant gaps for some of the years immediately after 1966. Therefore, the first date of registration should not be assimilated to the first employment. 5) 'Not known' consists of pensioners who have a recognised permanent disability pension and are not registered in the State Database of Persons with Disabilities. 6) The 'Physical and other' impairment group: Other' includes persons with expressive, indeterminate, unknown disability and also persons registered in the General Treasury of Social Security as affiliated persons for whom the type of disability is not. 7) The symbol '...' means data not available. Source: National Statistics Institute