Statistics on Book Publishing Production Books edited in Spain. National and autonomous communities Number of titles by category, subject categories and type of publication. Unidades: Number of titles ,Total,Books,Leaflets, TEXT BOOKS, Total,4.620,3.683,937, 1 Generalities,82,70,12, 2 Philosophy, psychology,81,62,19, 3 Religion, theology,259,209,50, 4 Sociology, statistics,575,444,131, 5 Political sciences, Economical Sciences,39,28,11, 6 Law, public adminstration, social work and care, insurance,48,45,3, 7 Art and military service,0,0,0, 8 Education, teaching, training, distractions,561,374,187, 10 Ethnography, cultural anthropology (customs, folklore...),10,9,1, 11 Mathematics,489,419,70, 12 Natural sciences,608,471,137, 13 Medical, health sciences,140,104,36, 14 Engineering, technology, industries, trades,77,65,12, 15 Agriculture, forestry, livestock, hunting, fishing,7,6,1, 16 Domestic science,17,17,0, 17 Management, administration and organisation,54,54,0, 18 Conditioning of the territory, town planning, architecture,1,1,0, 19 Plastic and graphic arts, photography,172,119,53, 20 Music, performing arts, theatre, films and cinema,192,161,31, 21 Games and sports,45,42,3, 22 Philology, languages, linguistics,820,665,155, 23 Literature, history and literary criticism,182,169,13, 24 Geography,118,110,8, 25 History, biography,43,39,4, CHILDREN PUBLICATIONS, Total,8.215,3.199,5.016, 1 Generalities,7,6,1, 2 Philosophy, psychology,3,2,1, 3 Religion, theology,4,2,2, 4 Sociology, statistics,1,1,0, 5 Political sciences, Economical Sciences,4,2,2, 6 Law, public adminstration, social work and care, insurance,0,0,0, 7 Art and military service,0,0,0, 8 Education, teaching, training, distractions,8,6,2, 10 Ethnography, cultural anthropology (customs, folklore...),1,1,0, 11 Mathematics,1,1,0, 12 Natural sciences,6,2,4, 13 Medical, health sciences,0,0,0, 14 Engineering, technology, industries, trades,2,2,0, 15 Agriculture, forestry, livestock, hunting, fishing,0,0,0, 16 Domestic science,1,1,0, 17 Management, administration and organisation,1,1,0, 18 Conditioning of the territory, town planning, architecture,0,0,0, 19 Plastic and graphic arts, photography,17,6,11, 20 Music, performing arts, theatre, films and cinema,10,9,1, 21 Games and sports,1,1,0, 22 Philology, languages, linguistics,9,1,8, 23 Literature, history and literary criticism,8.119,3.147,4.972, 24 Geography,2,2,0, 25 History, biography,18,6,12, OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS, Total,6.312,5.278,1.034, 1 Generalities,226,195,31, 2 Philosophy, psychology,69,60,9, 3 Religion, theology,99,88,11, 4 Sociology, statistics,168,153,15, 5 Political sciences, Economical Sciences,392,349,43, 6 Law, public adminstration, social work and care, insurance,532,481,51, 7 Art and military service,37,35,2, 8 Education, teaching, training, distractions,173,156,17, 10 Ethnography, cultural anthropology (customs, folklore...),93,75,18, 11 Mathematics,35,30,5, 12 Natural sciences,279,246,33, 13 Medical, health sciences,228,193,35, 14 Engineering, technology, industries, trades,167,145,22, 15 Agriculture, forestry, livestock, hunting, fishing,97,86,11, 16 Domestic science,32,26,6, 17 Management, administration and organisation,88,83,5, 18 Conditioning of the territory, town planning, architecture,292,267,25, 19 Plastic and graphic arts, photography,1.140,820,320, 20 Music, performing arts, theatre, films and cinema,139,113,26, 21 Games and sports,60,49,11, 22 Philology, languages, linguistics,171,149,22, 23 Literature, history and literary criticism,917,692,225, 24 Geography,140,110,30, 25 History, biography,738,677,61, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute