Complementary services Complementary services current results per user by type of service and size of the institute Units: euros ,Total,1. Up to 100 students,2. From 101 to 500 students,3. From 501 to 1000 students,4. More than 1000 students, Income School Transportation,807,590,720,904,792, Expenses on goods and services of School Transportation,907,1,288,854,985,822, Cafeteria Income,928,572,848,974,1,063, Gastos en bienes y servicios de Comedor,504,333,509,533,540, Residence Income,4,492,2,226,3,231,7,962,7,992, Expenditure on Residence goods and services,1,541,1,389,711,2,732,2,907, Income Child Care,263,226,251,276,271, Spending on Child Care Goods and Services,86,65,87,90,91, Notes: Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística