Economic structure Economic structure values per student type of indicator and educational level Units: euros ,Total,1. Degree Study,2. Official Master's and Doctorate Degrees,3. Unofficial individual studies, 1. Personnel Expenses,2,915,3,150,2,627,2,409, 2. 2. Expenditure on goods and services,2,452,2,364,2,336,2,974, 3. Tax Expenditure,55,47,76,55, 4. TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES (1+2+3),5,421,5,560,5,039,5,439, 5. Revenues from educational fees,5,604,6,235,5,577,3,142, 6. Revenues from current public subsidies,170,176,200,104, 7. Income from private transfers,120,100,200,84, 8. Other private revenues,269,223,347,338, 9. TOTAL CURRENT REVENUES (5+6+7+8),6,164,6,733,6,323,3,669, 10.RESULTADO DE Explotación (9-4),742,1,173,1,284,-1,770, 11. CAPITAL EXPENSES,479,500,377,546, 12. CAPITAL EARNINGS,69,70,71,65, Notes: 1) Expenditure on goods and services includes amortization of fixed assets Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística